
darrob06 Posts: 6 Member
Is anyone else using this protein shake? I got a sample and love the taste but seems very pricey. Any advice??


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    think about it as the price of a meal, since it is a meal replacement PACKED with essential (AND IT KICKS *kitten*) vitamins and nutrients.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    I use it 6 days a week. Enjoy the energy boost. I have it either as a snack, just one scopp and water/ice or as a meal replacement with a banana, powdered peanut butter and almond milk.
  • GettingThisDone100
    GettingThisDone100 Posts: 27 Member
    I tried it, loved the taste and thought the same thing about the price. I decided that if it was going to work, it would be worth it.
    It didn't make a difference and I saw no results that I hadn't already been able to see just watching what I eat.
    My friend on the other hand lost 35lbs in no time.
    The one thing I can say is they're return policy is awesome and I got a full refund without a problem :bigsmile:
  • superstarcola
    I want to start this by saying that I DON'T work for beachbody.
    That being said, shakeology is my favourite part of the day. It's so delicious, and there's a lot of room for variety with the different 'recipes'. It also keeps me full for a good four hours.

    I'm still not sure about the other benefits of shakeology. At least it's helping me get my protein in!
  • beverlyl64
    beverlyl64 Posts: 381
    Is anyone else using this protein shake? I got a sample and love the taste but seems very pricey. Any advice??

    I use it daily, and think of the cost this way, it's $4 a shake that is less than i use to spend daily on take out lunch. It has 100% more nutrients than any take out lunch ever had. And it's an investment in my health today rather than me spending a ton at the doctor and pharmacy later for diabetic supplies, heart disease and such.
  • Bridgidm2000
    I have tried both the greenberry and chocolate. I really like them both. I use it as a meal replacement (usually lunch) I've noticed a huge increase in energy and some weight lost. As far as price, it can be a little daunting but when you average he cost of a's actually a little cheaper (at least in my case)
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    I use it and I am liking it right now! I havn't lost any weight thanks to it! But I do consider it a healthy alternative and I rather invest in my health now to keep me healthy! Break it down to a daily price for you 4-5 bucks does that sound bad! Thats what made it easier for me when I considered the price!
  • concealedpearl
    I tried it for two months, didn't really see any benefits with it in terms of weight loss...It was great tasting at first and then I just started to hate it and it was causing pains in my stomach so once I stopped it the stomach pain went away. The $130+ cost was not sitting well with me either, that's a lot of money to pay each month. They gave me my money back without any glitches...I do love beach body products and I'm currently doing Turbo Fire.
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    Awesome taste, good value considering a meal replacement and eleminating the need for other vitamins, plus all the other extras it
  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I too use it 6-7 days a week. As a coach I pay less then retail, for me it comes out to $3.00 a day. Plus it is much healthier then anything else out on the market and way better for you then fast food.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I got a couple samples. The chocolate was okay tasting. The greenberry was NASTY. I took a swig, retched, and dumped it down the drain, no matter the cost of that glass. I'm not in a habit of dumping food, in particular expensive food, so that says a lot about how gross it was.
  • GettingThisDone100
    GettingThisDone100 Posts: 27 Member
    I got a couple samples. The chocolate was okay tasting. The greenberry was NASTY. I took a swig, retched, and dumped it down the drain, no matter the cost of that glass. I'm not in a habit of dumping food, in particular expensive food, so that says a lot about how gross it was.

    :sick: I did the same thing with the greenberry, and I swear I could still smell it three days later :sick:
  • ttaylor626
    ttaylor626 Posts: 6 Member
    My sister has been using it and she loves it! I have not tried it yet. I see on here that a lot of people have recieved samples. How were you able to get samples. I would like to try it before I spend $ on it.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I use Visalus instead, it's 2 shakes a day for $117 shipped plus I can customize my shakes with over 100 different recipes/flavors. I really really like the product and I'm happy I signed up as a customer.

    There are 3 different tiers you can get, the Transformation that has everything for $248 before shipping (too expensive for me), Shape for $117 shipped (what I chose, 2 shakes a day) and Balance ($49 for 1 shake a day).

    I researched shakeology and visalus and I chose visalus because I got more for my money plus I'm not committed to only 2 flavors. Visalus is a MLM company and I am not a distributor meaning I don't work for them.
    DIDIKL Posts: 1
    I agree!! If you do the research you will find out your saving money because you are actually drinking all the vitamins and essential nutrients and enzymes you actually need in a day in one shake. I have lost 7.5 pounds so far. I had someone tell me that they would never do it because they believe after I stop the shakes that I will just gain the weight back but they new nothing about the product. I of course told her she needs to do her research because shakeology is not a diet it can be a aide in weight loss but its not a diet. I ask her if she plans on to ever stop taking her vitamins and she said no so I tried to explain to her its the same thing. I don't plan to stop drinking the shakeology. I think the chocolate is amazing and there are all kinds of great recipe's to go with the shakes.