Please keep me on track!

Hi! Looking for some people willing to friend me/help keep me on track with my goals! I've joined mfp and tried different programs before, but have not really had success. I need some accountability, so this time I'm trying reaching out! I think it will motivate me to make better choices if I feel like people will be looking. I am on a crazy travel schedule, so that's why some of my meals are messed up or grouped in weird ways at times. It's so easy to just go crazy and have sweets all day when I'm surrounded by a multitude of yummy treats, but my goals are to eat less (1600 calorie goal), eat healthier (limit sugar), and try to get around 80 grams of protien each day. I am not off to a good start today, but I would love it if some of you would please friend and stay with me--you don't actually have to see what I'm doing, haha, I just need to think people are looking


  • Carmelcole
    Carmelcole Posts: 1 Member
    I think I need the same thing. I need someone to push me to stick at it.
  • ClarWebb
    ClarWebb Posts: 21 Member
    I'll add you! Just started this thing and I would like accountability as well.
    We can do this!!
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    During my two years here with MFP I learned a lot of things. One of the very important ones was that there is no one who can keep me on track.....only I can do that .
    Once I realized that and I started to take responsibility for myself things got a lot easier and even though I have certain limits ( age, no thyroid, Lupus and a few other things ), I was able to lose 55 pounds so far.
  • Ldbg289
    Ldbg289 Posts: 236 Member
    You guys can add me if you want