I am scared about putting my calories up?



  • jenniferjohnsonament
    jenniferjohnsonament Posts: 85 Member
    It's totally normal to be nervous! You're entering the next leg of your journey.

    I didn't do 100 calories at a time..I actually increased by 200 calories a week. The only issue I've had in 5 weeks with temporary gain of a few pounds is when I really kicked up my fitness routine. That gain came and went.

  • deniztuzu2
    deniztuzu2 Posts: 77 Member
    I have been dieting properly since last August! I've lost more than I ever planned or expected too... Anyway, I don't want to lose anymore weight but I don't know how to maintain? I worry that but putting my calories up, from 1200 -1500 I will put on weight. Anyone had any experiences/tips?

    If you have been logging your food intake and changes to your weight diligently since August, you should have enough data to draw your maintenance calories from them. I would calculate the amount of calories required to maintain from all the data at hand, jump up halfway first to adjust, and then slowly (month by month) increase the intake up to maintenance level. The new data along the way will also help make any adjustments needed.
  • cotewalter
    cotewalter Posts: 111 Member
    I have kept my alloted calories at a level to lose 1/2 lb a week. I am doing this to allow for not as strict portion calculating. So far it has worked for me. Just passing on my idea.