Has anyone in here have had Weight loss surgery?

I have been working on my preop testing since 1/29/2015 the day I made my appointment to make my lifestyle change. My start weight was 320 as of 1/29/2015 today I am down to 286... I have to lose 35lbs before surgery. This app has helped me keep track of my calories and exercise.


  • AmAnDuh77
    AmAnDuh77 Posts: 20 Member
    You seem to be making great changes on your own, great job!

    Just curious, why not keep going and avoid the surgery?
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    AmAnDuh77 wrote: »
    You seem to be making great changes on your own, great job!

    Just curious, why not keep going and avoid the surgery?

    I was wondering the same thing!
  • Jlmjaatvedt
    Jlmjaatvedt Posts: 14 Member
    The surgery is just a tool but will keep me motivated.. My mother and I were supposed to this together a few years ago. I didn't have the right insurance coverage and my mom was too sick.. So I am finishing what me and her started. Going through all this preop will make me think twice about getting off track.
  • cnoonannurse
    cnoonannurse Posts: 58 Member
    I had gastric band surgery about 7 years ago. I was 287, and got to a low of 180. I had a baby a few years ago and put about 49 back on. I am here now to drop those 40, and see abut knocking all the way down to the "ideal" weight for my height of 140. I find that the portion sizes for me still work out after all these years, I eat far less quantity...but I eat junk sometimes.
  • matumelo
    matumelo Posts: 1
    I had a sleeve gastrectomy about a month ago and got a vivofit band this week to help me exercise more
  • mrsrnn
    mrsrnn Posts: 7 Member
    I am 2 years out and wish I had done it earlier. Lot of changes will happen, it is a forever change in how we eat, it is however it is very liberating! Like one of your responders my fear is putting wieght back on. Surgery is a tool It is not a cure all if you don't take the first 12 to 18 months to learn and train yourself for new habits. It is all worth it!
  • lowcountrygal75
    lowcountrygal75 Posts: 5 Member
    I had the RNY on January 12, 2015. I was 219 the day of surgery and I am down to 178. I also had type 2 diabetes that was being controlled by an insulin pump. In addition to diabetes, I had high blood pressure. I came off all medications 3 weeks following my surgery. Someone mentioned something in an earlier post that is key to remember about bariatric surgery, it is just a tool!!! You have to sick to the program in order to be successful. I was they person that tried many things to loose weight and nothing seemed to work. At my highest, I weighed 234 pound and that was the month I went to see the bariatric doctor. With the RNY, it helped to take away my cravings and I no longer get hungry. That makes sticking to the plan so much easier. Good luck with your surgery!!
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    Well hey there youngster. I want to applaud you for your life changing decision. I had the gastric sleeve procedure September 2014 and I feel FABULOUS!!! From the moment I walked in the door to the moment I was driven home was about 26 hours so needless to say, everything flowed like cream. I encourage you to stay in touch with the people here and look for other forums on Facebook as well. My highest weight was 375, surgery weight was 344, and as of yesterday I am at 262.2. Again, congratulations on the decision you made. U GO GIRL!!! :D
  • Jlmjaatvedt
    Jlmjaatvedt Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you all I take in all the information shared here.. I also follow a few girls on youtube that have gone through it.. it helps to know the ups and downs and they still struggle but have succeeded and lead a pretty normal life now.. I feel good already just losing the 35... i feel very motivated and encouraged even with those few doubtful moments. Because nothing else has ever worked before... Good luck to you all too :)
  • The things I followed to reduce was a natural method. One day I read the article for weight Loos Tips and I really decide to work on that and for 3 months exercise for only 25 minute on watch and with using more green vegitables I got my target. Thank styles pk
  • pattylynn727
    pattylynn727 Posts: 17 Member
    I had a lap band procedure in 2009 and as I saw someone post previously I couldn't lose all my weight again now just a little more than 5 yrs later I had revision surgery to the gastric sleeve on 4/7/15. At my one week check up I was down 7 lbs. My fitness pal worked great to help me to track everything and I have it linked to Map my walk so they count together. This helped me to show my doctors that it wasn't me but my "tool" just didn't work anymore. I turn 40 in July and I'm hoping to be a much more healthy and fit me! I'm really looking forward to eating eggs and other soft foods this Tuesday, yogurt gets old lol. If I could make a suggestion to the person who started this blog PB2 is a great supplement it's dried peanut butter and they have it containing chocolate as well. It helps with flavoring the shakes (they are found in health food aisles or organic food sections of stores. Good luck!
  • big2strongCO
    big2strongCO Posts: 41 Member
    First of all I wish you the best of luck. I am a food addict, I understand the need for weight loss surgery and believe it is a great tool for weight loss. I contemplated weight loss surgery for a long time, I have gone to information meetings and discussed this surgery with multiple doctors but have chosen a different route that is paying off for me and don't assume my journey fits anyone else but me. I have a brother that chose gastric bypass about 10 years ago and has not been successful but is now trying again and is glad he has this gastric bypass tool to use to help him but the one thing he said to me when he was struggling after his surgery was "they fixed my body but they didn't fix my mind". I have lost significant weight and I struggle every day with my mind, I don't have the gastric bypass tool to help me so I am working without a net so to speak but as I look at my brother at over 400 lbs. and know he has this net it is the mind that is the key. Free your mind and your big a** will follow. Good luck.
  • pattylynn727
    pattylynn727 Posts: 17 Member
    That's one of the biggest things that are impressed upon you when you start the process and support groups play a huge roll and if thats too widespread then one on one counseling is a good idea. It's not the right choice for some but everyone has their own path to choose. I come from a large family and we're all short and overweight and I'm way too young to battle the health issues I've had and be a happy and involved mom of 3 and 9 year old children. I wish you all the best big2strongCO!
  • cnoonannurse
    cnoonannurse Posts: 58 Member
    I was 278lb 7 years ago when I had lap band. I lost 100 in the first year, but put 40 on after I had a baby 3 years ago. I find that my 'pouch' size is still small, but I was not being careful about drinking calories. I am using MFP to knock that 40 back off, and have lost 13 so far. Good luck in your journey...is was one of the better decisions I ever made!
  • marymcla
    marymcla Posts: 9 Member
    I had Verticle Gastric Sleeve surgery on 12/4/14. Myfittnesspal helps keep track of protein which is very important (doctor asks at every appointment). DOWN 76# SO FAR.
  • cnoonannurse
    cnoonannurse Posts: 58 Member
    Awesome! Congrats to you!
  • pattylynn727
    pattylynn727 Posts: 17 Member
    Congrats to you both. Weight is a hard battle to fight because food unlike alcohol or drugs you can't quit or rehab from it you still need food to survive. But being strong and proactive by whatever means necessary it can be beat back to normal. Good luck to everyone struggling!
  • Jlmjaatvedt
    Jlmjaatvedt Posts: 14 Member
    It is good to hear there are other weight loss surgery peeps in here.. :) My nutritionist recommended this app to keep track of everything. :)
  • Kikki406
    Kikki406 Posts: 1 Member
    I have just begun the process for bariatric surgery. I have been thinking about it for years but I was always so scared. Now my doctor has referred me and I have done my orientation. I am just waiting for the next step with the surgical team. In the meantime I have been attending a weight loss clinic and they recommended this app. I wish I would have started this process sooner. I am at my heaviest weight now..355 lbs.
  • pattylynn727
    pattylynn727 Posts: 17 Member
    edited April 2015
    Be comfortable with your surgeon and have faith in yourself. I'm not quite 2 weeks post op and I walked over a mile today in 36 minutes and it felt really good. Exercise is so important. And I never joined a blog or post before but I'm happy I did now because I really think it's nice to have other people dealing with the same struggles you are. Surgery isn't easy and as for support, the more the merrier.