Hi my name is Geneviève

Hi, I registered to MFP in january but I come mostly here to read (specially the success stories)
I was always bigger, at 8 years old I weighted the same as my mother (120 lbs) and it went up really quick after that (220 at 12) So I never was thin. At my biggest (the only time I was weighted in a clinic) I was 489 lbs (In 2002 I think). In december of 2012 I bought a scale that when up to 450 lbs. I said to myself if at least I weight 420 lbs it will be a good start. I was surprise when I got on it and it said 364 lbs. Since then I did'nt lose much, last time I went on the scale in march I was 337 lbs and I decided that I will not weight myself for at least 4 monts. So that means I lost 152 lbs but I am discourage when I see how much big I still am! I lost weigh between 2009 and 2012.
Pictures are may 2009 and september 2012. For those that would like to know I am 5f10.
Hello everyone :smile:


  • parkeram73
    parkeram73 Posts: 14 Member
    Have faith that you can do this!! Make small goals for yourself and stay positive!!! You got this girl!!
  • laini149
    laini149 Posts: 1 Member
    You can do it Genevieve! You are doing great! Look how far you have come! Don't be discouraged!
  • SerendipityFive
    SerendipityFive Posts: 26 Member
    Don't be discouraged!!! Keep going and don't give up! You're already on your way. Feel free to add me. I'm on a weight-loss journey too. Wouldn't you like to read your own success story? It can happen!
  • gpitreca
    gpitreca Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for writing to me :smiley: Yes I hope one day to be able to write my own success story! My goal is to weight less then 200 but the most important is to be in better health and have more energy.