Really feel like giving up

It feels like either I can eat 1500 calories minus exercise calories (so 800-1100 net) and lose 2lbs per week or I eat anything else I want and weigh 224lbs for the rest of my life. I'm lacking motivation having had a bad weekend and for one day of no exercise and two larger than normal meals I've put on 4lbs. It took me two weeks to lose that and I hate to be a crybaby but it's soooo fricking unfair. Help.


  • saratabea
    Hey there
  • saratabea
    Okay that didn't turn out well. I wrote like a whole novel and myfitnesspal only posted the "Hi there".
  • saratabea
    It is important not to focus too much on weight loss. I have been there. Weighed myself three times a day and ate nothing instead of just healthier things. Focus on your body and try to accept it. Work out because you wanna be healthier and do this for your mind and soul and not only for weight loss. Follow fitness blog. Read motivational books. Make a badass work out playlist. Find a way to work out which makes fun. Log your food and remember why you started. But most important: never ever give up. -love, Sara
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    Dude, unless you ate 14,000 calories over maintenance, you didn't put on 4 lbs. Water weight is a thing! Shake it off, don't get discouraged. Your weight didn't go on overnight, it's not going to come off overnight either. I'd eat back some of your exercise calories to get a more healthy net amount - no need for you to feel deprived and miserable.
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well the 4 pounds is just a normal fluctuation and will be gone in a few days. You need to get used to these as it can vary +- 5 pounds a day. Yes you could give up but what's that going to achieve? It sounds to me maybe you have unrealistic expectations.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    jmgj27 wrote: »
    It feels like either I can eat 1500 calories minus exercise calories (so 800-1100 net) and lose 2lbs per week or I eat anything else I want and weigh 224lbs for the rest of my life. I'm lacking motivation having had a bad weekend and for one day of no exercise and two larger than normal meals I've put on 4lbs. It took me two weeks to lose that and I hate to be a crybaby but it's soooo fricking unfair. Help.

    Cut yourself some slack!!

    I started out 3 years ago at 5'2" tall and 228lbs. I am currently 190lbs. But I have gone from a 42DD bra to a 38DD. A size 18 pants to a loose size 12 pants. From 3-4 daily asthma meds to an occasional rescue inhaler.

    I'll be the first to admit that food is where I struggle the most. I know if I did what my trainer has told me to do, I'd be so much closer to goal.

    What you need to do is make sure you stay hydrated. At your size, 100 Oz of water daily. I would actually try eating a bit more if you're active. Your BMR is about 2200. Under eating can actually keep you from losing. Last year I had an issue where my weight loss stalled. I realized I was only eating about 1800 calories a day. My trainer suggested I increase it to 2200. I did and I started losing 1-2# a week!

    Don't just rely on your scale. How do your clothes fit? Take pictures. Have someone measure you. I gained 10#...but lost 1.5 inches each on my waist and hips, and another 1/2 inch each in several places.
  • Kida_Adeylne
    Kida_Adeylne Posts: 201 Member
    I did the same thing over the weekend, including the weight - it really is just water. Your body replenished its stores of glycogen, and for each gram of that, the body takes up 4 grams of water. Get back on the wagon, and the weight will disappear again in a week.
    Remember why you started. What were you try to achieve, and what it your inspiration?
    Think of WHERE you started - your ticker says you've lots a fair bit. Be proud of that.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    jmgj27 wrote: »
    It feels like either I can eat 1500 calories minus exercise calories (so 800-1100 net) and lose 2lbs per week or I eat anything else I want and weigh 224lbs for the rest of my life. I'm lacking motivation having had a bad weekend and for one day of no exercise and two larger than normal meals I've put on 4lbs. It took me two weeks to lose that and I hate to be a crybaby but it's soooo fricking unfair. Help.

    You would help yourself if you spent some time getting a better understanding of how weight loss and deficit ccontrol work. You could avoid a lot of misery you are heaping on yourself becayse you are basing it on misunderstandings and wonky logic. You have been given explanations about about fluctuations and water weight. You are beating yourself up over soemthing thats go little to do with you and is natural.

    The other thing you could do yourself a favour with is how you approach things, its simply not 2lbs or stay at the same way for the rest of your life, because if you need to then you cna have a slightly smaller deficcit and lose 1 or 1/2lb a week so dont make things such absolutes. You need a plan you cna sustain and works for you. It doesnt have to be all or nothing.

    Keep your eye on the bigger picture and dont get distracted by a single day on a journey that is likely to take many months.
  • icedcupcake1981
    icedcupcake1981 Posts: 16 Member
    Please don't get discouraged. It's not an easy journey but you will get there. Just keep up with the exercise & logging everything. Everyone has bad days/ weeks.
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    Thanks everybody. I have listened and have taken your advice. I love exercising so have signed up for a 5K race in 3 weeks to give myself some extra motivation. I have decided to stop weighing every day and to increase my calories a little so I don't feel like I'm on a diet all the time. I've already lost 3 of the 4lbs in two days so I feel a bit silly now. Thanks for your help when I needed it. Xx
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Weight loss is not linear and the weight loss journey isn't always sunshine and roses. Keep at it, keep moving forward. You can do this.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    So give up. Stay the way you are.

    That's your only option.

    90 MPH or - just give up.

    which says to me- "I have a flat tire- so I might as well stab the other 3 and cry in the rain on the side of the road".

    Nope. You have other options- so stop thinking about it in such black and white terms and find LITTLE ways that are maintainable for you to make progress. It doesn't HAVE to be 2 pounds a week. Dial it back. Throw a lunch time walk in mix- cut out a soda beverage. Small things. You can do it. It doesn't have to be all General Cornwallis on Washington's a22 every time you try to make a change.
  • AmigaDona
    AmigaDona Posts: 13 Member
    edited April 2015
    never give up. you know I am in the same boat but I know that if I give up it will be my end. try to motivate yourself by different means. I created a page on Facebook to motivate myself maybe I don't have fans and almost no one knows it but keep motivating myself daily encourage me to continue. try to find a way to motivate yourself but never give up.
    If it will help you to read about motivation do it or keep talking about it on this page but please don't give up.
    This is my page if you like to visit it, may it help you
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    Mine was up 3 lbs from the weekend - sodium. Drank lots of water and it's back down