losing weight and toning

hi im new to this one of my friends recommended i join so im giving it a go i have been goin to the gym since about feb time i have a noticed a lil change to my body shape but dont seem to be losing the weight as quick as i liked to ! i have changed my eating i will say ya i havent eat brill but will start putting my eating down on hear now so hope it helps me apart from that im i doin sumthin wrong i go gym 5 times a week and wrkout about 1 15 mins each session please advise ?XXX


  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    If your working out that much, then you may not lose "weight" but you most certainly are losing fat and inches.

    When you work out your body holds in water, which makes you seem "heavier" or not show as big of a loss.

    Sodium and sugar levels also make you hold water making your losses seem smaller

    and working out builds muscle, while not a lot of muscle but little bits at times. all of these factors play into the fact that you may not be losing "weight" as fast as you would like, but you are still probably losing "fat" and inches.

    I would suggest measuring yourself. In four months I only lost 4 pounds, but I lost almost 10 inches and dropped my body fat down 4%.

    It didnt' reflect on the scale but it did reflect.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I know before this site I would workout all the time and never see much of an improvement in weight loss and then I would eat soup for lunch a banana and lean cuisine for dinner...that still wasnt the right way. Being on here has helped alot to open my eyes on what I have been eating and the science behind it all...Just keep track of your food here and make sure your eating your exercising calories as well...cause you dont want to put your body into a starvation mode...

    Bumping hoping someone else will have some good advice...
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    welcome to MFP!

    First, it would help if you shared your diary. We might be able to spot trends and foods that are not helping you.

    Second, it might be that you're not eating enough for your activity. Even though you might think that eating less always brings weight loss, it doesn't. Your body doesn't have a mind of its own (your brain has your mind), your metabolism self-adjusts to your caloric intake to make sure the body stays alive, especially the brain. So if you are below a certain amount, your metabolism shifts so that your body stores food rather than using it.

    Third, consistency and moderation are the key. Eventually the weight will go, but being consistent and moderate in your eating and exercise will pay off. If you're stuck for months at a plateau and you're watching your intake and exercise, then there might be a true medical issue. But for most people, just making sure you have a calorie deficit of about 500 or so calories a day means you'll lose a pound or so a week.

    Good luck, and stick around!
  • tah04
    tah04 Posts: 2
    Hi I joined MFP almost a month ago and it has really helped me be more aware of the nitrition content of the food i am eating. I think i am making better, healthier choices because of it. I've started walking 3-4 nights a week (at least 3 miles each time, sometime 4) and I play golf (walking the course) 1-2 nights a week. I'm hoping this will help me achieve my goal. Tried WW, which helped for a while, but I plateaued and couldn't get over the hump.