
axiommaxim Posts: 14 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.. I've been coming to this site religiously and tracking my calories and exercise for almost 2 months.

I walk between 45 minutes to 1.5 hours every day, and stay around my 1200 calorie intake (I do eat the calories I get from exercise as well) - But I haven't lost a pound. Nothing! My clothes are fitting any more loosely, and I don't look or feel any differently that I was before I started this.

I'm 205 pounds, and I'm 5'8", so I do have a lot to lose - Why aren't I?

I'm just very frustrated, and I'm wondering if you guys have any idea what I could be doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for any advice/help.


  • sphinxz
    sphinxz Posts: 1 Member
    Your calorie intake is WAY too low. You should recaluculate your profile settings!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Your body can take time to adjust to the change and you should start seeing the weight come off starting any time now. Some people don't see the weight come off until 3 months in... focus on making this a lifestyle change and not a weightloss journey.

    But you could also try to mix up your exercise. Run, eliptical, weights, swiming, and countless others. :wink:
  • StateOfActivity
    StateOfActivity Posts: 6 Member
    Wayyy to low. You should be in the 1500 calorie range.
  • Try not eating your workout calories. If your hungry after your workout try a protein bar or something with protein in it. I was eating back excercise calories and wasn't losing either. I do have alot to lose and since I do I don't risk starvation. Are you eating every 3-4 hours? Are you eating a healthy breakfast? Breakfast is very important it will help to jumpstart your metabolism. Good luck
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    Might be able to help if you open your diary so we can see what your eating?
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I agree....your starving your body.. recalculate lifestyle/goals.
  • Hello,

    Sorry you are having trouble. I am not an expert on weight loss by all means, but you may need to look at what your eating. You may be eating the right amount of calories but if your not eating the right foods they could be loaded with bad sugars and carbs that can hinder your weight loss. You may also want to change up you activitiy. Rather than just walking, try some other aerobic excerises to get your heart pumping. More and different types of activity will be help as well. I found that when i came to a slump in weightloss i changed up my routine and it worked.

    Good Luck!!
  • kld4239
    kld4239 Posts: 186 Member
    I agree your calorie intake looks way to low. Should be around 1500 at least and that's w/o the exercise.
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    What are you eating? Good calories or empty calories? Processed food vs fresh food?

    I had the same issue for MONTHS! It took me 4+ months of tweaking things before I finally found a plan that is working for me. It takes time, but don't give up! :)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I don't think you're eating nearly enough. I would suggest upp'ing your calories for a week to 10 days and see if you notice a difference. Only eating 1200 calories is VERY restrictive. You'll send your body into starvation mode only eating 1200 calories a day and working out as you are. Definitely try raising them.
  • ravenlunatic76
    ravenlunatic76 Posts: 69 Member
    Agree with all the above and want to add a question

    What are you eating to get to 1200?
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    Your calorie intake is WAY too low. You should recaluculate your profile settings!

    I agree with you... it seems that you are not eating enough foods that have good calories. But, I understand your problem as well, axiommaxim. I felt like it was so hard, and it is, in the beginning. However, don't give up hope! :D You can do it!

    On the side note, does anyone have good ideas for summer weight loss? I am kinda gaining my weight back, and I need some help... I have to get to 180 by the end of July! ;-;
  • You risk starvation if you are in a healthy BMI. People that are considered obese or have an unhealthy BMI don't have the risk of starvation. Not eating enough will slow down your metabolism and you don't want that
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    Don't get frustrated! All good things take time. I have plateaued for a bit but you just got to keep going and get more intense. I for one do not eat back my exercise calories. To lose weight you need to burn 3500 more calories than what you already burn on a daily basis. If you work out 7 days a week, that's 500 cals per day and 1lb loss per week. I would also try to jog instead of walk. Start slow and work your way up for increased speed and distance. The deficit that MFP creates helps a bit but you still need to burn more than you eat.

    I have faith in you! Everyone can achieve their goals with the right help and determination.
  • molear
    molear Posts: 2
    I'm 5'10 and started at 221 lbs. I did the 1200 a day and the exercise. It worked, but it was a slow start. When it took off, I easily dropped two pounds a week, each week. HOWEVER, for a solid year before that, I worked diligently to lose weight and could not. Turned out to be a medical problem going on also. So...make sure you have had a physicial and explain to your doc your plan, your exercise, and your expectations. There might be some other reason it isn't working for you...YET.
  • vixi76
    vixi76 Posts: 66 Member
    I agree that you should reset your goals, it sounds like you are not eating enough calories. Then I'd make sure to be eating enough protein to build muscle, which burns fat.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    I am sorry that you are frustrated, I get the same way. I am 5'7 and need to lose 50 pounds and have only lost 8 pounds
    by my scale at home and 10 pounds according to my Dr's scale and it has taken me 2 months. I get frustrated alot too
    because its taking forever to lose the weight. I love this site because of all the help and its allows us to logg everything,
    I use to use Spark people and I rarely go back to them now because of MFP. Even though i have not lost alot of weight in
    pounds, I have lost quite a few inches which makes me happy, My butt and boobs have shrunk alot and my inner thighs
    which is a huge plus. Just stick with it,it will come off. Slowly is better then fast. You might also make your food diary
    visible so ppl can give you some tips.
  • Jmartinturner
    Jmartinturner Posts: 11 Member
    My caloric intake says 1200 as well, before exercise etc. You need to look and see if your sugar intake is over the daily "allowed". You may need to go online and look up what's listed on the low glycemic index for food, and start making your choices based on that. Also, if you are just walking, you aren't burning a bunch of calories. You need to be walking fast enough where you are breathing heavier, but can still talk. You need to also add in some light wieghts to help create lean muscle which in turn will help you burn more calories, and lose inches. start with 5 pound wieghts after your walk, do 10 reps of biceps, shoulder press, some tricep kickbacks. Just try one set of 10 the first day of each, then add on 2 reps of 10 and then up to 3 reps of 10.

    When you walk, imagine pressing your navel into your spine this engages the abdominals which strengthens your core. Also tighten your glutes when you are walking, do this for a week or two and you should see inches (or feel them from your clothes) melt off!
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    1200 is the bare minimum of calories, if you are stalled the best place to begin is increasing the calories by say 50 - 100 per day and changing up the exercise and see if that breaks the plateau.

    Also, sometimes you lose inches and not pounds which it sounds like you are doing and the scale usually catches up in time.

    Can't see your diary but would ask what you are eating and if you are getting enough protein, fiber and drinking your 64oz of water a day. These are three of the keys to weight loss. Protein is primary, if you are not getting enough it is hard to lose weight and keep it off.

    Be strong and patient, it will happen!
  • axiommaxim
    axiommaxim Posts: 14 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    Whoa! Thanks for the replies! I've never posted anything on this site before, but I'm overwhelmed by all of the supprt here.

    I'm eating 1200 calories which is what MFP suggested I eat based on the exercise I do, my lifestyle and the 2lb per week weight loss goal. I burn upwards of 400 calories a day, just walking.. So I probably eat closer to 1600-1800 calories a day if I've exercised.

    I do eat healthy during the day - Bananas, yogurt, vegetables, etc.. I have the odd slip up during the day, but I generally try to keep it healthy and low-cal at work. Because I know I'm probably going to eat a supper that is a little more high calorie. But I do keep the portions under control so that I'm not over my calories.

    Anyway, hope that helps. Thanks again!
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