Starting again - looking for friends please!

spyro88 Posts: 472 Member
Hi I am Jess, 26 years old from the UK.

I'm just looking for some friends and support on here really! I am about 200lbs at the minute and just want to see what I can lose by eating healthier, more fruit and veg and less junk! I have joined the gym too :)

Would also love to meet people with a similar starting weight to me or anyone who just wants to get healthier by basically eating better and exercising... not stupid fad diets! I also like blogging so I would love to meet people who like to read and write blogs on here.

Anyway that's enough about me, please say hi if you want some more friends :)


  • lizzhard
    lizzhard Posts: 1
    Hi I'm a similar weight to you I just had a baby which is disabled and given me a better perspective on life. I want to eat healthy and be fitter for my children. I think I would achieve this by making friends and to spur each other on
  • EaglesFan4Ever
    EaglesFan4Ever Posts: 2,083 Member
    Feel free to add me. Working on nothing but diet and exercise.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Hey there! I'm doing the "eating healthy and exercising" thing too! Looking to lose 30 lbs to start. Add me if you like!
  • klspaeth
    klspaeth Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I agree with all the above. I weight about 220 and have done throes "fad diets" and they never work. So I am going for the "eat healthy / exercise" as well. Add me or send a message!
  • Hermie123451982
    Hermie123451982 Posts: 190 Member
    Hi I'm from the uk aswell and this is day one for me. I'm 219lbs at the moment and want to get to 196lbs to start with. Been given 1400 calories a day. Good luck to everyone.
  • joaniej75
    joaniej75 Posts: 136 Member
    add me---I am at 189 and I need all the support I can get. I was doing really well and fell off the wagon. I'm back on today and would love to have you as a friend
  • jasminevillalobos6
    jasminevillalobos6 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi my name is jasmine from USA im 27 and weighted 223 i started my 3 mouth challenge of 2200 calories last Friday and already lost 3pounds so know im 219 thank free to add me for support
  • riarocks4
    riarocks4 Posts: 3 Member
    I am also new and looking for new friends for support.
  • gabbeke
    gabbeke Posts: 17 Member
    Feel free to add me! Working on weight loss and fitness through just better eating and regular exercise as well. :)
  • Kulia
    Kulia Posts: 5
    Add me! I'm trying too! Having support helps so much!
  • Hillbillyrich
    Hillbillyrich Posts: 5 Member
    Please feel free to add me. I'm from the U.S. and as of today have 32 more pounds to go to meet my initial goal.
  • celcen
    celcen Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Jess, welcome to the club. You have taken an important step. I have found that recording all my meals have helped me. I also try to walk 3 miles every day and I dont add those calories back to be used. This really helps me to loose my 2 pounds a week.
    Good luck to you and stay the course!
  • bandedup
    bandedup Posts: 17 Member
    Back on the recording food as when I don't I eat sooo much more. I also got a Garmin, instead of a fitbit. Slightly cheaper but does the same thing. I am teachme32 on Garmin and bandedup on fitnesspal.
    I need food ideas, I get tired really fast and start grabbing the chips quickly.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hi everyone,
    Been on my weight loss journey for 5 weeks now. I lost 17 pounds so far and would like to loss 40 more. Would love to know what you eat on a regular day to get some ideas on how to switch up what I am eating.
  • kellyannecandy
    kellyannecandy Posts: 27 Member
    Hello, I'm 217 at the moment and would like to get down to 168 eventually but my first goal is 200. I've tried loads of times before but this time its more about losing it for my health so slow and steady is fine with me. Good luck.x
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    Hi there! I'm at 175, looking to get down to 130ish. I'll send you an add! And anyone else can feel free to add me as well :smiley:
  • ThatCountryGal
    ThatCountryGal Posts: 24 Member
    Please feel free to add me :)
  • mlawrence911
    mlawrence911 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi - I'm trying to do the same. I've lost 11 pounds in about 5 weeks, but I'm getting a little tired of eating the same food. I would love to share recipes and ideas with anyone who wants to add me as a friend.
  • aqua6rz
    aqua6rz Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I'm also around that weight, and I'm aiming to lose around 40 lbs. feel free to add me or message me!
  • peachess_bABy
    peachess_bABy Posts: 2 Member
    Eating healthy and exercising is the way to go! When I decided to change my lifestyle I weighted 198. I lost 28 lbs in a matter of 3 months with just healthy eating and exercising. No crazy diets or starving myself. There's no need for that. Anything is possible if you set your mind to it. I'm back to my FitnessPal and liking to find new friends for motivation as well. If you want any tips or healthy recipes let me know. I'll b glad to share them with Ya. Add me if you'd like :)
