Mom on a Mission!

I'm sort of new to myfitness pal. I had started last year and then didn't follow thru. I'm ready for a huge change and ready to commit this time. I'm ready to show my children what being healthy and fit look like instead of frumpy and overweight. I had a physical in October and I had told my doctor that my knees had been starting to hurt and she told me it was because of the extra weight. I have never had a weight issue until after I had children. I just love to eat and eat all the bad things in huge portions. This is the heaviest I've been in my life and I would like to get back to feeling like the my old self again. I want to be able to run after my son when he asks me to chase him. He's 5 and has an incredible amount of energy. I also have a 16 month old daughter. I want to make sure from an early age that she sees what healthy and fit can be. She'll have enough images thrown at her soon enough to tell her she's not good enough. I want to be a great example for her and my son. I'm ready to take on this challenge. I know it will not happen overnight but with will and determination and hopefully some positive motivation from this site, I will be able to do just that :)


  • joaniej75
    joaniej75 Posts: 136 Member
    You can do it!!! just eat better and exercise!!
  • laura3977
    laura3977 Posts: 191 Member
    You can definitely do it!! Just focus on small changes and don't deprive yourself thinking that's what you need to do in order to be successful. What has helped me has been to focus on portion control instead of "I have to eat 'healthy'" - you can eat anything in moderation. If you find that you have a hard time sticking to a moderate serving of something maybe avoid it at first. I have lost 15 lbs since January - I would like to lose 85 lbs. Slowly but surely you'll learn to focus on what's important for you and what will give you the best chance of being successful.

    Good luck!!! :smile:
  • MichelleBonfield86
    MichelleBonfield86 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi feel free to add me if you like :) im 28, i have 2 boys (6+4) and i have been struggling with my weight since i had them. I will be there to support and encourage you, and we can be exhausted together lol
  • bekalile98
    bekalile98 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all for the support! I had my first workout and I feel like I'm starting out balls to the wall, so to speak. My friend and I did T25 during our lunch. While I did the modified steps, it was still very hard to keep up. I'm going to give it my best and see what happens. This is only the first day and I know I can do it. Laura, portion control is exactly what my doctor told me also. Thanks again ladies for the support! WE can do this :smile:
  • jeharrell13
    jeharrell13 Posts: 6 Member
    You'll have to let me know how you like T25. I have been considering buying it. I am a mom too with (like most) very little time to workout. I would love to add you ladies so that we can keep each other motivated. My daughter will be 2 next month and I have been trying to lose weight since she was born. I lost weight pre-pregnancy using myfitnesspal and I am finally at a good place to commit to it again.
  • bekalile98
    bekalile98 Posts: 7 Member
    The first day of T25 was very intense. I was not happy in doing it, lol. But I'm moving forward with day 2 knowing it will get easier if I stick with it :)
  • julie382738
    julie382738 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm new to MFP too, only in my second week, but already lost 5 pounds and feeling I can do this! If it makes you feel any better my youngest child is almost 15 and I have spent all that time trying to lose the weight. I actually eat really healthily in general, its just that I lose control when it comes to crisps, cheese and wine! But I am finding logging everything sooooo helpful and motivating, and exercising is making a big difference. Lets do this!!!
  • bekalile98
    bekalile98 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks Julie! WE can do this! I finished day 2 of T25 and it was much easier today and I feel more happy about it. I think for me, being on here and seeing other people give encouragement is very helpful. Plus the logging of food. I'm ready for this change!!