Looking accountability partner

Hey guys! I'm Sydney, and I'm looking for someone with similar stats to be my accountability partner. I'm 5'5 and 185 pounds right now. My goal is to be in the 130- 140 range but I'm just taking it a few pounds at a time. Can't wait to hear from you guys!!


  • Kulia
    Kulia Posts: 5
    Hi Sydney! I'm looking to lose weight too and have a healthier lifestyle. Add me!
  • Hey Sydney!
    I'm also 5'5 and 170lbs looking to lose weight, be healthier, and help others do the same!
    Add me :)
  • thismamarox
    thismamarox Posts: 105 Member
    I am 5'6" and 173. You can add me if you like. I am kicking butt and taking names ;)
  • We can kick some butt! Send me a request.