Just Starting This But Really Excited

katrinapayne Posts: 1
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi -

I'm new to the site does anyone have any tips that may help me to maintain and achieve my results.



  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Don't quit! Just keep logging and exercising and you will see results! Good luck!
  • JLervold86
    JLervold86 Posts: 93 Member
    Be honest with yourself, down to every crouton that you eat--keep that journal 100% and if you have a bad day, chalk it up to a bad day don't let it get you off track. Every day is a chance to do well!
  • divades
    divades Posts: 145
    Hi Katrina - Welcome. I would just say to take full advantage of all the great things offered on this site (social networking, calorie counting, inspiration, motivation etc -- this site has so much to offer). Also, don't be too hard on yourself. Find what works for you and stick with it. If you fall off, get back on! Every moment is an opportunity to change the rest of your life. Best of luck to you.
  • divades
    divades Posts: 145
    Be honest with yourself, down to every crouton that you eat--keep that journal 100% and if you have a bad day, chalk it up to a bad day don't let it get you off track. Every day is a chance to do well!

    Well said jorourke86!!
  • amazondan
    amazondan Posts: 35
    As I'm fond of saying, the program works IF you work the program. Take advantage of all on this site and you will see results. It's quite empowering.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Welcome. Take your measurements because the scale doesn't always go down and that can be a real demotivator. My weight stuck for three weeks but I lost 16". Good luck
  • shortcake05
    shortcake05 Posts: 31
    Congrats on making the decision to change! This site is a great tool for motivation and teaching.

    Along with the great ideas everyone else has already said, I'd like to add that big changes don't happen over night. So cliche but it's true! If you have unhealthy habits, start breaking them slowly. If you drink 6 sodas a day, don't just quit cold turkey. Some have success with that but you are likely to crash. Cut back little by little until you realize you don't need it anymore. This idea can be applied to pretty much any habit you're trying to break. Don't be hard on yourself! Baby steps! And drink more water :D
  • jeyer79
    jeyer79 Posts: 18
    This site is awesome. I get so much help and motivation from my friends and others. One thing that i learned last week is that i can not eat after 7pm. If i do it goes right to my belly. You can do it!!! :smile:
  • kelsey054
    kelsey054 Posts: 110 Member
    Welcome! You are going to love it here. I agree with the previous posters, log everyday. I feel that people here are expecting me to lose, and I don't want to let them down. Therefore I begin to workout. I've only been a member since Sunday night and I've lost 4 lbs already. Be true to yourself, and work your *kitten* off!
  • Hello Everyone!! Im just new here, just like to say hello to all my fitness Pal:smile:.Good luck everyone!!:bigsmile: Hope it works for me too.xx
  • nkruse
    nkruse Posts: 1
    I just started with this site a couple of weeks ago and love it! It's my new BF! :smile: I have some medical problems that cause me to gain weight and not be able to loss it without counting cals and watching what I eat. This sites (app) is wonderful.

    Before I was walking around with a small note book & a pen everywhere I go, searching the websites on foods before I could go anywhere, sometimes guessing on the right amount of cals that I had if I couldn't find the right amount. It was quite a hassle sometime. This app is wonderful I don't feel limited anymore and I can keep the right amount and track everything more easily. It's a lifesaver REALLY!!

    I am looking to loss about 50 pounds and I believe this app/website is going to be the key to helping reach that goal!! (now if I can only get myself to get on the dang scale! ):laugh:
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