Need to take control

Hello everyone my name is James and I have recently become medically disabled. I have put on a few more pounds than I would have like to have on me so I thought I could share a few with some of you. I have found that I am way more sedentary than I was while I was working so I have now taken control of my life and joined the Y, downloaded this app, and hopefully I will be able to maintain all of this and loose a few pounds. Good luck to all f you and I wish you all the best in your endevors and challanges.


  • __liiz
    __liiz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi James! I'm Liz. Like you, I've also become medically disabled. I've gained 17 lbs as a result. I've been on and off track for a few months as a result of being so sedentary. I'm sharing the same struggles as you but I want to keep trying before 17 turns into 27. Best of luck!