Fitness bands (vivosmart)?

So I am considering "upgrading" my fitbit flex to a garmin vivosmart. Has anyone else made the change? If so, which did you like better? If not, but you current use a vivosmart, how do you like it? Does it sync easily with phone and mfp?

I have had my flex for 1.5years, and love how I can change the color of the bands, but would love to have something a bit more "advanced". I looked at the charge and surge, but didn't really like the look. I also don't need a HR capable device because I rely on manually taking my pulse if I want to know it.

If you have a different device (or know of one), which one and do you like it?

Some additional info/questions:
-I have an iPhone 5, soon to be upgraded to a 6 (for syncing information)
- I wear the band on my left arm, with a watch, so it has to be thin enough not to look dumb being on the arm, behind a watch
- I'd prefer something either black, pink or purple (been eyeing the vivosmart purple)

Thanks all in advance :).


  • ArkMom35
    ArkMom35 Posts: 225 Member
    I have the garmin vivofit and it's been great for me. There have been a handful of days it has had issues syncing, but in general I've had few issues with it.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
  • jakbreckon
    jakbreckon Posts: 9 Member
    edited April 2015
    I have a vivosmart and love it! I have never owned a Fitbit so I can't compare the two for you. I love that I can use a heart rate strap and see the beats on the band. I love the alarm vibration, and the run tracker. I watched a lot of videos on you tube to make my choice, maybe you can watch a few on the vivosmart and see what you think? I have a 5c, and the only time I have syncing issues is somewhere with a lot of server traffic. It is pretty thin, most people ask me what it is when they see me tap it.
    I have the pink by the way, but the color is only on the sides of the band. I've had mine since January.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    jakbreckon wrote: »
    I have a vivosmart and love it! I have never owned a Fitbit so I can't compare the two for you. I love that I can use a heart rate strap and see the beats on the band. I love the alarm vibration, and the run tracker. I watched a lot of videos on you tube to make my choice, maybe you can watch a few on the vivosmart and see what you think? I have a 5c, and the only time I have syncing issues is somewhere with a lot of server traffic. It is pretty thin, most people ask me what it is when they see me tap it.
    I have the pink by the way, but the color is only on the sides of the band. I've had mine since January.

    Thank you. Will certainly look up some YouTube videos.
  • phillipsx6
    phillipsx6 Posts: 20 Member
    I love my vivosmart. My husband bought it for me and he is one of those people that research and research before he buys. I love that it's waterproof so I never have to worry about taking it off during housework. Steps seem pretty accurate. I love that it gives u goals to hit everyday and u can track runs/jogs. It tracks your sleeping pattern
  • EricNewark
    EricNewark Posts: 295 Member
    +1 from me. Never had a tracker before and after a lot of research put it on my Christmas list. Love it. I have the iPhone 6+ and the sync issues mentioned are from their website which is in the works of being updated so it can be aggravating but normly sync problems are for an hour or so and then it's fine. No biggie.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Thank you both. I think that this will be my next investment. My flex is still in good shape but just has so few features. I like the idea of the move bar since I am the type who can lose track of time behind the computer.
  • medavidcook
    medavidcook Posts: 129 Member
    i recently go t a vivosmart and absolutly love it, I have looked at loads of different trackers but always went back to the Vivosmart. Possibly due to the fact that I am looking at getting a running watch later this year.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    For those who said they have the vivosmart- do you find it easily damaged? What I mean is if you accidentally hit something with it does it scratch easily? Or is it pretty durable? Are you able to clean it with rubbing alcohol or will that cause discoloration?
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    For those who said they have the vivosmart- do you find it easily damaged? What I mean is if you accidentally hit something with it does it scratch easily? Or is it pretty durable? Are you able to clean it with rubbing alcohol or will that cause discoloration?

    Not trying to come off as impatient for answers, but is anyone able to answer this? Lol
  • laropmet
    laropmet Posts: 52 Member
    i have the vivofit and i do prefer to to the fitbit. But i prefer fitbit's dashboard. Fitbit seems to have more information, and it's easier to look at and drill down to find specific information. The garmin though is a great activity monitor. The move bar really helps me and I sometimes wish it was electrified so it gives you a little jolt when it was time to move lol. Seriously though a little alarm or buzzer on this thing would be great so that you didn't have to keep looking down at it. It's probably about the same accuracy wise as the fitbit for counting steps. I walk about 1000 steps in 10 minutes. It occasionally counts extra steps when you start moving though. It sometimes credits me as walking 30 steps when i go to the bathroom during the night and i think that's a little generous.

    It's pretty sturdy, the main component is in a dense square box that feels solid. So far i haven't managed to scratch mine and i'm notorious for walking into door frames as i go through doors. It does show more information on the device itself which is nice, and means you don't have to sync every 5 minutes.

    Dunno if there is anything else you want to know?
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    laropmet wrote: »
    i have the vivofit and i do prefer to to the fitbit. But i prefer fitbit's dashboard. Fitbit seems to have more information, and it's easier to look at and drill down to find specific information. The garmin though is a great activity monitor. The move bar really helps me and I sometimes wish it was electrified so it gives you a little jolt when it was time to move lol. Seriously though a little alarm or buzzer on this thing would be great so that you didn't have to keep looking down at it. It's probably about the same accuracy wise as the fitbit for counting steps. I walk about 1000 steps in 10 minutes. It occasionally counts extra steps when you start moving though. It sometimes credits me as walking 30 steps when i go to the bathroom during the night and i think that's a little generous.

    It's pretty sturdy, the main component is in a dense square box that feels solid. So far i haven't managed to scratch mine and i'm notorious for walking into door frames as i go through doors. It does show more information on the device itself which is nice, and means you don't have to sync every 5 minutes.

    Dunno if there is anything else you want to know?

    Hahahahahaha. That could be he next fad- "the cattle prod diet".

    What do you mean by looking down at it? You mean vibrate when you reach your activity goal?

    Good to know its sturdy since when I'm at work I don't really pay attention to make sure my wrist doesn't hit a wall or something.

    Thank you for such an detailed response.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,137 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Hahahahahaha. That could be he next fad- "the cattle prod diet". What do you mean by looking down at it? You mean vibrate when you reach your activity goal?
    The Vivosmart vibrates.
    The Vivofit does not; just has a visual move bar.
    The Vivofit2 has, I believe, a visual move bar and an audible alert; but, no vibration.
    All three have phone notification, I think.

    I believe audible to be insufficiently discrete, and a notification through the phone to be useless since I only check my abundance of phone notifications at random intervals that may exceed 1 hour!

    So the vibrating alert and Move bar are just about the only feature that would make ME want to buy a Vivosmart, if I already had a working Flex. That has to be balanced against the cost.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    edited April 2015
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Hahahahahaha. That could be he next fad- "the cattle prod diet". What do you mean by looking down at it? You mean vibrate when you reach your activity goal?
    The Vivosmart vibrates.
    The Vivofit does not; just has a visual move bar.
    The Vivofit2 has, I believe, a visual move bar and an audible alert; but, no vibration.
    All three have phone notification, I think.

    I believe audible to be insufficiently discrete, and a notification through the phone to be useless since I only check my abundance of phone notifications at random intervals that may exceed 1 hour!

    So the vibrating alert and Move bar are just about the only feature that would make ME want to buy a Vivosmart, if I already had a working Flex. That has to be balanced against the cost.

    Ahh okay. I'm half asleep so I didn't even notice you said vivofit not vivosmart lol.

    I am certainly leaning towards buying it when my tax return check comes in.

    Random question- do you know if there is a way to "wipe" a flex of all data for a new person? If I do upgrade, I plan on giving my flex to my mom.

    Eta: sorry, I thought you were the other person lol.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,137 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Eta: sorry, I thought you were the other person lol.
    Google (actually Duckduckgo) says that your charger has a reset button. If you are ready to short your Flex around, this might also help!
  • DonnaHilston
    DonnaHilston Posts: 21 Member
    I have the vivofit 2 and I thought it was suppose to have an alarm for the movebar but I have never heard it. Had a problem with it not syncing for two days (after it worked perfectly for 2 weeks) but called the company and had a customer service person to work for 45 minutes with me and it finally started to sync the steps and food again. It did list the two days it wouldn't sync which I thought was great.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Eta: sorry, I thought you were the other person lol.
    Google (actually Duckduckgo) says that your charger has a reset button. If you are ready to short your Flex around, this might also help!

    I think that it resets the device, but it it doesn't delete any data.

    I just dont want my mom (who'd I would give it to) going back in the food logs Nd stuff. But if there is no way to "wipe" the phone, she will just have buy one for herself.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,137 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I just dont want my mom (who'd I would give it to) going back in the food logs Nd stuff. But if there is no way to "wipe" the phone, she will just have buy one for herself.

    You asked about wiping your Flex. Why would you give your mom access to your Fitbit account together with your Flex?

    Wouldn't you remove that particular Flex from your own Fitbit account and then give it to your mom to connect to her own account?

    Or are you talking about giving your mom your phone? If you are going to give your mom a phone you should be able to perform a factory reset for your phone. Again you would then create new accounts for her with Fitbit and the phone manufacturer.
  • kiwionamission
    kiwionamission Posts: 19 Member
    I have Garmin vivo smart and love it it has a thin band which I keep on my wrist all the time . When I dress up to go out I put my bracelets and bangles around it don't take it off ,
  • Blazing_Brunette
    Blazing_Brunette Posts: 217 Member
    I was thinking of upgrading to garnin too.. Good thread