How do you do it?

Hello everyone!
I've been a member for a little over a week and I just wanted to know what keeps you motivated to exercise, and not over eat? I've lost 4 pounds, but some days I just feel like giving up and eating whatever I want.

I need support.
Any suggestions?


  • divades
    divades Posts: 145
    The accountability helps me. For the most part, I still eat what I want because depriving myself doesn't work for me, but when I think about logging it in my food diary, it makes me think twice. I do exercises that are fun so I just say find what works for you, do what you enjoy and it won't seem like a chore. I consider my workouts playtime :) Best of luck to you. Feel free to send me a friend request if you would like some support!!
  • AdrianCountsToo
    Well, just think about how hard it was to lose those 4 lbs...
    and then think about what 8lbs off would be like...

    After a few weeks you get used to eating less, so it's really about just pushing through...

    If you can get yourself to the gym everyday that is what really matters, even if you can only do 15-20 minutes, it's better than nothing... I started off doing 20 minutes and now I do between 45 minutes and 1 hr, and I never eat fried foods...
  • mkcalvert
    mkcalvert Posts: 219 Member
    I always put what I'm about to eat in first and sometimes that helps me change my mind...I say HOW MANY CALS DOES THAT COST???? crazy and most times I end up picking something better, and I rely a lot on my friends on here encouraging me! Good luck
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    On the days that I overeat and log it, I look back and realize that I shouldn't have eaten 1000 calories in snacks alone. That keeps me on track.

    I also tape and weigh myself every Friday to track my progress to keep me motivated to continue pressing.

    One more thing, I work with a personal trainer who helps to push me and I see just how far I have come along.

    Keep your head up - it is a lifestyle but I haven't had any regrets since I started. BTW, I do allow myself to splurge on one day every other week... I'll have a nice steak or something like that... and then hit the gym hard the following Monday (since I usually splurge on Saturday... but not every Saturday).

    Good luck!
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    Eat things that will keep you full with protein. I graze almost all day long and my diary is open if you want to see it.
    I enter in all the food I will eat for the day right away in the morning to help me stay on track.
    Stay away from processed foods as much as you can.
    Allow yourself a treat once in a while so you don't feel deprived.
    Hope this helps!
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    no... don't give up!!! i email with a couple friends throught the day and they help keep me motivated in regards to working out, they ask me what i'm going to do as my workout or what i'm going to eat (that and this site keeps me accountable). i also read some of the success stories on here and they definitely motivate me to go home and do some cardio or dvd instead of doing nothing. everyone on MFP is amazing and they are a great support group! just keep logging in your food and exercise and you will find yourself sticking with it :). and great job on losing 4 lbs!!!

    ::good luck::
  • kelsey054
    kelsey054 Posts: 110 Member
    What keeps me motivated to exercise? Knowing that there are people in my friends list waiting to see what I have accomplished. I just started on Sunday and everytime I see an ad of a greasy burger, I still want it but I just chug my bottle of water instead. Everybody on this site is here to help and I believe they are the reason that I'm still going good on my diet!

    Anybody can add me(:
    Have a WOW Wednesday.
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    It's just something I do now. I have a great fitness plan and I follow it.

    Besides I love being 180 pounds with 10% body fat compared to the 246 I weighed in November of '09.

  • absolament
    absolament Posts: 278 Member
    Go into it gradually. What is your weight loss set at? Maybe try 1/2 pound a week for first week, 1 pound the 2nd, 1-1/2 the 3rd. Get to what is most comfortable. And pick an exercise you enjoy or can easily fit into your schedule. For example, I go for a 40 minute (a little over 2 mile) brisk walk at lunch after I eat. This helps with digestion and keeps me feeling more awake for the rest of the day (vs. when I sit still after lunch then I tend to be more sleepy).
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    You need to make the decision that you want to change. It's not something you're thinking about, it's something you've decided. You're doing it.

    Once I did that it made a big difference. Now, every decision I make about food & exercise is taken with that in mind. If I want to have a glass of wine with dinner I know I need to do more exercise first. If I want to eat junk then I work out how many calories it will be and I exercise first.

    And when I slip I don't beat myself up, I just put it behind me and get back on track. I've still got a long way to go, but I'm happy that I'm heading in the right direction.
  • woofers1803
    woofers1803 Posts: 23
    Setting small goals helps. Yeah you have a total amount that you want to lose, but reward yourself when you reach smaller milestones. Also, don't work out past what your body can handle. If you push it too hard, you're not going to want to get out and exercise the next day. To make it really happen you need something to keep you moving, a final outcome that you desire. For me, it's shocking my husband when he comes back from his deployment in October. Maybe for you it would be a class or family reunion or an anniversary or a birthday or something. Another thing that helps is to find a workout buddy. Having someone that you are responsible to meet at the gym or go on a walk with will help to keep you motivated on the days that you're struggling to get up and do it. Just don't beat yourself up on days you eat something a bad. Make up for it and use it as motivation to work harder the next day. You can do it.
  • kzabrisk
    kzabrisk Posts: 1
    it helps me to have a bigger goal out there in the future. I want to run a half marathon next January. I know I can't do that weighing what I do now. Having that goal out there keeps me motivated. It also translates into weekly and daily goals that I have to do. I find that I'm much more motivated to not eat junk when I have that big goal out there.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Honestly for years I was thin out of vanity, but I was not always healthy. Then I had children and I felt the need to teach them better eating habits so I began to practice what I preached and prepared healthier meals and exercised regularly. Now health is my driving motivation. I've always hated putting medicines (aka chemicals) in my body but I've found as I've aged (my youngest will turn 30 this year) that takes more work than it used to.
  • msmiriam
    msmiriam Posts: 22 Member
    Hey, I know how you feel. It's so much easier (and more fun) to stay in the old habits of eating and lack of exercise. One of the things that helped me is just giving myself permission to not exercise for the first 2 or 3 weeks. I focused mainly on eating healthy and getting enough sleep. Then, after I had those habits in place, I started exercising weekly. I gradually added more days and more time to the exercises themselves.

    For me, when I try to conquer too many things at one time, I feel overwhelmed. Just control one thing at a time, for a while. After all, it DID take you years to establish BAD eating habits...It'll take some time for eating better and living healthy to become second nature. But man it feels good to see those numbers on the scale go down! Good Luck!
  • NancyCatherineWalker
    I don't do well with "exercise", so I put it under another category. Fast paced laps in the living room while talking on the phone, walking instead of driving where ever possible, squats to get the laundry. As for food intake,I find that I don't idly munch if I have to account for it. I do have to say that overeating isn't usually my issue. I have a tendency to not make my calorie goal. I've started using those throw away plastic containers to portion out snacks. When I want a snack I get a container - not a handful here or there. It's easier to track if their pre-done and this way I'm obligated to finish the container - not the whole bag.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    I still eat what I want - just less of it!

    I've caught the exercise bug after a couple of months of forcing myself to do it. I actually crave it and feel weird if I don't exercise at least every other day.
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    Everyone has days where they cheat/ fall off the wagon. The important thing is to get back up and do better the next day. I log all my food every day. ANd that helps keep me accountable. I know if I go over I am going to have to work my butt off literally the next day to make up for it. AnANd I check calories of what I am going to eat/ order before hand so I know if it is a good chocie or not. Like today I am already over on my fat and still have to eat dinner! SO I know taht I have to be carefull tonight andmake up for it tommorow.
  • TromaRon
    TromaRon Posts: 228 Member
    I try not to treat it like a diet, or be too strict. All I worry about is staying under my calories. Other than that I pretty much eat any kinds of food I want. If I want something really high in calories, I just make sure to pace myself throughout the day so I can. Rarely feels like I'm depriving myself, & the pounds coming off are motivation enough.
  • Peanutsmommy7
    Peanutsmommy7 Posts: 1 Member
    I am starting my low calorie diet on Monday. I am hoping that I can do it and get results taht I want. I have done the hcg diet and have gotten quick results so hopefully I can do the healthier diet and slowly lose the weight that I need! Wish me luck! I am nervous :(
  • BeautyCrys
    BeautyCrys Posts: 209 Member
    I know how you feel. I was there once. It WILL get easier, they say it takes 21 days to form a habit! When you start dropping lbs and you feel it in you're clothes it will make you push harder. Just don't give up.