Short ladies, what is your goal weight?



  • cocokatie1
    cocokatie1 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 110 is my goal. I not just short, I have a very petite frame because I have some Asian blood in me. Most of my Asian friends are 90lbs to 100lbs and it is healthy for them. I know I can't get down that low, but I would like to be a healthy, non starved, 110. Its really hard though because my boyfriend likes to see me eat A LOT! uggg.....
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    120. I'm five three, medium frame size, 46 years old.
  • yogi323
    yogi323 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 5'3 and I think my goal is 120. My goal may change as I get closer to my goal weight. I know I would like to be in the middle of a healthy bmi, and 120 puts my smack dab in the middle of it. I really don't know if 120 will look good on my or not, because I have never been that small except for when I flew past that number as a child.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    edited April 2015
    5'1" and my goal is 115.

    I'm hovering around 123 now, having started last October at 155. I still feel like I've got at least ~10lbs to lose before I feel comfortable. Might want to aim more for 105 or 110 when I get there, but right now I'm just focusing on that initial goal. The weight loss was easy until about the 125 mark, and it's been super slowwwwww since then (partially my fault as I've slacked off a bit these past few weeks).

    I have a small frame and not much muscle mass, though, so my healthy weight is probably on the lower side. But it might be more realistic for me to maintain 115 than 105. I'm in my mid-30s now and I haven't been 105 since high school, so I'm just not seeing it as practical. At around 115, I know I won't have the bikini body (not that I ever did), but I should forestall any health issues and still get to enjoy my chocolate, so I'd consider that winning.
  • jIngraffia7874
    jIngraffia7874 Posts: 21 Member

    GW: 125-130

    Ifs fun to see everyone's different goals even though most of us are around the same height
  • FariasMomOf3
    FariasMomOf3 Posts: 215 Member
    Im 5'2" weight 129 lbs. I feel great but maybe go down to 125 lbs ;)
  • jessicatombari
    jessicatombari Posts: 159 Member
    5'2" :) Goal weight is 110-115 and am currently at 124 !
  • jcook0716
    jcook0716 Posts: 65 Member
    Im 5'1... Sw was 199 cw 181. Gw 135 Ugw 125 (never been this skinny even when i was young so dont even know if my body can do that lol). Currently crossing fingers to see 179 i havent been under 180 for probably almost 10 years.
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    I'm 5'3 1/2", and I'm aiming for 135. I have a large chest, so that's actually pretty skinny for me. 130 is right on the verge of being too skinny, and 140 is still I'm aiming for right in the middle, so I can go up and down a couple of pounds and still be a firecracker. ;-)
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    rro4 wrote: »
    5'3 would be happy at 150 lbs., but I am worry about the excess skin because I have over 100lbs. to lose.

    How old are you?
    If the weight is lost before age 40, most of the skin will tighten back up. After 40, like bone density, the skin slowly loses the elasticity. I have a friend that lost more than 120 pounds (in about a 6- month period), and started bodybuilding. She has 4 kids, and she's 38. You can't see any excess skin (unless she's sitting, or apparently on her hands and knees, but not many people see her like that! Lol).
  • bewarethedog
    bewarethedog Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 5'0" and I'd like to get down to 115. After that I'll reevaluate my goals based on body fat %.
  • catedesimone
    catedesimone Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5'0 and aiming for 108-110ish lbs. I'm 122 lbs currently so I don't have much to lose, but I do have a small frame and would be more comfortable losing another 10 lbs or so.
  • theamazingcassiebunny
    theamazingcassiebunny Posts: 119 Member
    5'2", maintaining at 108-111. I have a very small frame, so I could probably go lower, but it would be too difficult to maintain. I like to eat, lol.
  • bopcial
    bopcial Posts: 6 Member
    5'1 - 100 ( currently 112)
  • madcat444
    madcat444 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 157cm (5'2") and currently 62.9kg (138.4lbs)......would like to get to 59.5kg as that's the lowest I've ever been but I would love to get lower than that, possibly 54-56kg but not sure how that will go or how I'll look. :#
  • Deana0904
    Deana0904 Posts: 11 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm 5'2 and I would like to get back down to around 122
  • Ajocal18
    Ajocal18 Posts: 167 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm 5'1 and my goal wieght is 130 lbs. My sister who is about my height recently lost a ton of weight and at 115 super skinny. I think being more toned and having a larger chest naturally I will look best at 130 but that may change as I get closer to my goal
  • swirlybee
    swirlybee Posts: 497 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm almost 5'3", current weight is 125 lbs, and goal weight as 115 lbs. I was at my heaviest a few years ago at 145 lbs and I've been maintaining at around 130 for the past 3 years. I've been wanting to get down to 115 and re-assess how I like my body at the weight. I haven't been 115 since high school.
  • EMergise
    EMergise Posts: 36 Member
    I'm 5'2 and currently weigh around 135-7lbs depending on the tom! I wear a UK size 8/10 though so not big, just carrying a pretty decent amount of muscle from teaching body attack and body pump!!

    My aim is to get back under 130lbs.... Although I'm not that fussed about the scales, really it's a body fat issue for me, I just want to lose the excess fat and be able to see the 6 pack I have hiding underneath it!!

  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    I am 5' and want to be at about 137...but I carry a lot of muscle mass. I am at 142 right now.