So I never really drank soda until I started working in the food industry. Then I realized that diet soda had no calories! I felt like since it had no calories it was fine to drink. After reading a lot about diet soda I read that it is not good for you and can actually make you gain more weight than even regular soda. I feel like diet soda is a good substitute for when I am hungry and wanting to splurge on an unhealthy food choice. What is everyone's thoughts?


  • abetterluke
    abetterluke Posts: 625 Member
    Personally I think the whole "can make you gain more weight" thing is garbage but I agree that it's not good for you. I'd say if you aren't having them too often you're fine.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    edited April 2015
    Coke zero is the greatest thing to come out of chemistry in this decade!!

    If you look closely at the studies there are correlations-not causation. Diet soda doesn't make you gain weight. Drinking diet soda than feeling so good about yourself that you eat 5000000 calories of junk food makes you gain weight. If you like it and it works for you, do it.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    I drink diet soda every day, usually a 16oz bottle with lunch, and a 12oz. can for dinner. I have lost 12lbs this month so far.

    I do not believe that I am a medical anomaly.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    bteague7 wrote: »
    So I never really drank soda until I started working in the food industry. Then I realized that diet soda had no calories! I felt like since it had no calories it was fine to drink. After reading a lot about diet soda I read that it is not good for you and can actually make you gain more weight than even regular soda. I feel like diet soda is a good substitute for when I am hungry and wanting to splurge on an unhealthy food choice. What is everyone's thoughts?
    No, no it can't.
    Unless you're inadvertently saying while drinking it you want to eat more foods to compensate?

    Drink it as you like, and stay within your calorie goals.
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    I enjoy diet soda, tea and coffee.

    I'm willing to bet there is more calories in a cup of juice than in a cup of diet soda.
  • abetterluke
    abetterluke Posts: 625 Member
    I enjoy diet soda, tea and coffee.

    I'm willing to bet there is more calories in a cup of juice than in a cup of diet soda.

    Heck a lot of juice is just as bad for you as regular soda.
  • supplejl
    supplejl Posts: 4 Member
    I've been told the reason people say it "causes" you to gain weight is that the sweet taste, without the corresponding calories, can trigger cravings. For some people, I know the diet soda satisfies their sweet tooth. I can say that since I gave up Coke Zero and Pepsi Max (my two go-to's), I have experienced very few cravings for foods not on my meal plan. There is so much confusing research out there as to whether or not it is bad for you. one of the main reasons I hear about is the amount of chemicals in a can. That being said, the same article also said that a person would need to drink copious amounts of it to impact you. I usually stick to plain water or water "infused" with lemon or cucumbers, or crystal light (with this, I try to have no more than one CL package a day too).
  • jonathansilas1984
    jonathansilas1984 Posts: 36 Member
    I had to quit cold turkey, and let me tell you it was HORRIBLE. I had nausea inducing headaches for a week. And by the third day I was ready to jump out of a tree on a passing pepsi truck and gnaw my way through the back to get at a Mt Dew. But Im all better now, but Ill be honest I felt like a smack addict coming off a week long binge.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member heard incorrectly. Diet soda alone won't make you gain weight.

    I drink coke zero every day and have managed to maintain steady weight loss. If you want to drink soda, drink soda. If you want to give it up. Give it up. Bam. End of discussion.
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I drink lots of diet sodas (4-6 per day) regularly with no issues. I lost weight while drinking them and I've maintained for 3 years while drinking them. For me, deprivation does not result in long term success, so I keep the things I enjoy that fit within my "budget" and don't negatively impact my desired results. I think it's a personal choice as you can find research to support both sides; enjoy if you think doing so benefits you, or give them up if you think they're harming you.

  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    No no no no no. I was, "paleo," in January and most of February so I couldn't have diet soda and I drank more OJ. I definitely gained weight. Middle of February I switched to CICO (all the diet soda I can drink!) and I've lost 10 pounds. As long as you are focused on your calories... You will be fine with weight loss.
  • MarissaEgham
    MarissaEgham Posts: 14 Member
    Personally I've never lost weight while drinking diet soda's, and that is all I've ever drunk as I find the full fat versions too sweet. What works for me is keeping a little tub of sliced lemon with me that I use in both hot and cold drinks. Each too their own though.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    SconnieCat wrote: » heard incorrectly. Diet soda alone won't make you gain weight.

    I drink coke zero every day and have managed to maintain steady weight loss. If you want to drink soda, drink soda. If you want to give it up. Give it up. Bam. End of discussion.
    gimme dat coke
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    jkwolly wrote: »
    SconnieCat wrote: » heard incorrectly. Diet soda alone won't make you gain weight.

    I drink coke zero every day and have managed to maintain steady weight loss. If you want to drink soda, drink soda. If you want to give it up. Give it up. Bam. End of discussion.
    gimme dat coke

  • Rukia_K
    Rukia_K Posts: 32 Member
    I switched to Sparkling water as I could never appreciate diet sodas as I really dislike the taste of artificial sweeteners
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Rukia_K wrote: »
    I switched to Sparkling water as I could never appreciate diet sodas as I really dislike the taste of artificial sweeteners

    It's important to make a sparkling water/tonic water distinction here because tonic water actually has a whole mess of calories, and people often confuse the two.
  • Rukia_K
    Rukia_K Posts: 32 Member
    Sparkling Spring Water was what I meant
  • bteague7
    bteague7 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't experience cravings after I drink diet soda at all. It helps me with my cravings because instead of grabbing some chips, I'll grab a drink. I am still drinking a lot of water during the day, just like to add a few diet sodas in between to enjoy.
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    If you have ever seen that show called My 600 lb. Life there is a doctor in Houston that does the by-pass surgery on these people. He said that carbonated drinks of any kind will stretch your stomach. Just saying that is what he said to his patients.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    Debmal77 wrote: »
    If you have ever seen that show called My 600 lb. Life there is a doctor in Houston that does the by-pass surgery on these people. He said that carbonated drinks of any kind will stretch your stomach. Just saying that is what he said to his patients.

    I believe that is specific to patients that had the surgery.