How do you do it?



  • cecrossley
    cecrossley Posts: 46
    Keep it up! You'll get it! The first three days I like to call "hell days."
  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    The first couple of weeks were really hard for me, too.

    MFP is useful in so many ways I can't even count them, but the big plus for me is developing awareness. Yes, be obsessive about what you eat. If you choose to eat something, know what it is you're putting in your mouth. Know the effects it may have on you and your goal - which you must have, otherwise you wouldn't be here.

    Once of the things I do is make sure that before I put something in my mouth, I know how many calories is in it. And I think, is it worth an extra twenty minutes of cardio, which is time spent away from my family, just for a candy bar/french fries/milkshake that will only leave me wanting more?

    If nothing else, log what you eat - without changing anything - and become aware of the calorie content. Once you start developing a sense for that, you can make choices about portions, variety, condiments, etc., which make a huge difference in how you eat.

    If you need to close your diary to do that for a few days, then close it. Be honest with yourself. You deserve it.
  • rgutie1
    rgutie1 Posts: 84 Member
    The mere act of entering everything will help you stay on track. I always enter the calories first so I can see where I will be left.

    There are lots of times when I have thought something along the lines of, hey I have X calories left, I should have a snack and then I think about entering it and I ask if I really need it.

    The numbers of it really work for me, knowing that keeping under x calories will allow me to lose a certain amount. Its about tying your actions to their consequences.
  • luxuryisntcheap
    That's AWESOME!
    Thanks for all of your support so far! Keep up the great work!
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    buy yourself non food related rewards at every 5 lbs lost...a new nail polish
    a new hair accessory....cheaper but still gratifying then go for a better reward at 10 lb reached....a manicure or pedicure

    Honesty I got a Jones of New York little black dress at the good will store on the half off day and only paid $3.50 for it and it was a size 14 so what I was a size 18 last year...every week on Sunday afternoon after I exercised I showered and put on the dress.

    No it never zipped for a LONG LONG time but I wanted to get into that dress for my 10 year anniversary dinner in October of 2010 and as it got closer and closer it fit but I looked like a sausage and told my husband how can I go for an anniversary dinner when I can;t sit and still breathe.

    By the time October rolled around it fit and I could sit and breathe. I went to an awesome dinner and made sure it was healthy since I didn't want the dress to explode after the first bit of the main course.

    Now I found an awesome pair of Jones New York pants at good will tags still on them and they were $9 and I am determined to get into these pants. I have come to be obsessed with the scale so this way was much more doable as I saw the clothes go up but not zip and then gradually fit better and better.

    Add me if you want, eat protein and drink tons of water and veggies and eat off the low end of the glycemic index to stay full .

    You work so hard for that 4lb you already achieved, don't blow it, it will come back much to easily. Keep going, we're here for you!!
  • DESIREE1210
    DESIREE1210 Posts: 177 Member
    The longer you do it, the easier it becomes to make it a part of your routine. I must set aside my time for exercise.
    I work 10 hours a day come home make dinner, eat, then I work out (MY TIME). No excuses, decide what your going to do and make yourself do it.
    I push thru it, I have exercising but I know i have to, to lose the weight. For a min of 30 minutes it's worth it!!!

    Good luck to you.