Ask yourself 3 Questions

LaDawn74 Posts: 132 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I was watching Oprah yesterday and she had on Bob Greene. He said you need to ask yourself these 3 questions. I think they are great questions to ask.

WHY are you overweight?

WHY do you want to lose weight?

WHY have you been unable to maintain weighloss?


  • cccathyyy
    cccathyyy Posts: 207 Member
    1. I'm an emotional eater and every little thing that's bugging me on the inside, makes me bigger on the outside ;).
    2. I want to be healthy and be able to do things. I want to learn to love to do physical things instead of just sitting on the couch. I finally want to LIVE my life.
    3. I've never thought that I could do it. I never had the inner confidence to stick with it.
  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    Im overweight because I was eating very bad choices of food, I want to lose weight because I want to be healthy and be around for my kids and be a role model for them but most importantly I feel GOOD in my skin. I have not been successful in the past because it was never about me and now it is.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I was watching Oprah yesterday and she had on Bob Greene. He said you need to ask yourself these 3 questions. I think they are great questions to ask.

    WHY are you overweight?

    WHY do you want to lose weight?

    WHY have you been unable to maintain weighloss?

    1) I am working with depression and I have never been motivated to stay active, but realized this month (and it is only the 11th!?) that being overweight zapped my energy! :grumble:

    2) I want to loss weight so that I am healthier hoping that allows me to live longer with my son :heart:

    3) I have never counted my calories and exercised at the same time... always one or the other. :noway:
  • losin4good
    losin4good Posts: 11
    WHY are you overweight?
    Because I have a problem with eating. When I eat i eat a lot. I love to be full and I like eating out in which it has caused me to gain a lot more than i should

    WHY do you want to lose weight?
    i hate the way i look i hate the way i feel and i'm scared i will have high blood pressure or diabetes if i don't change

    WHY have you been unable to maintain weighloss?
    i'm weak and give into temptation to easy
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    gonna have to do this one later, but I want to answer these questions!
  • Dave59
    Dave59 Posts: 28
    1. I eat too much.
    2. I want to run faster.
    3. I like pizza, cake, cookies, burgers and especially Reese's Peanut Butter Cups too much.
  • LaDawn74
    LaDawn74 Posts: 132 Member
    WHY are you overweight?

    I'm overweight because I'm lazy when it comes to cooking. I just grab quick easy foods. A lot of fast foods.
    Emotional eater. Always busy taking care of other people and not myself.

    WHY do you want to lose weight?

    I want to be healthier. I want to stop hurting physically al of the time. I want to be sexy again.

    WHY have you been unable to maintain weighloss?

    Stress, stop putting me first.
  • Ooh, I recorded that and forgot to watch it! Something to look forward to when I get home. =)

    1. I'm overweight because of my past thoughts and actions. Because I didn't control the way I thought about myself. I didn't love myself enough to pause and change my way of thinking. My weight today is a reflection of my past thoughts and actions. Changing the way I think about myself today, and as a result my actions, my lifestyle.. means there is a slender me in the near future.

    2. I want to lose weight because I love myself now, and I want my outward appearance to reflect my inner peace, balance and happiness.

    3. I never changed my inner dialogue.
  • HealthiHannah
    HealthiHannah Posts: 182 Member
    1. I have a love affair with food
    2. I want to be healthy for my husband and our future family
    3. I settle, once I reach a better-than-I-was-before weight, I give up and go back into old, bad habits using the excuse "well, I'm smaller than I was".
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    1. I get in the rut of coming home & laying on the couch very easily, and comfort myself with junky food.
    2. I want to be strong and healthy and look good.
    3. I keep getting hurt and using it as an excuse to go back to the couch and junky food.
  • kerri76
    kerri76 Posts: 45 Member
    WHY are you overweight?

    1. I avoid and stuff my emotions down deep. I do that with food.

    WHY do you want to lose weight?

    2. I want to be agood role model for my kids. I want to teach them good eating and exercise habits.

    WHY have you been unable to maintain weighloss?

    3. Because I avoided all my "issues" and now I have a therapist and am working on those issues so I will be able to mainain once I lose all this weight.
  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    WHY are you overweight? I use food to comfort myself and hold back my emotions. Food is always there and always good. In that process I have become a chronic overeater/binge eater, which became worse after an abusive relationship and the PTSD, anxiety and depression the followed. (Can you tell I have been to therapy? LOL)

    WHY do you want to lose weight? To feel confident in myself again. I really like me on the inside, and I want the outside to match for the first time. (When I was thin, I was insecure, and now that I am secure in myself, I am fat)

    WHY have you been unable to maintain weighloss? I have self-sabatoged myself. I have turned back to food when I got stressed. I have decided it was too hard and not worth it (not true). Not picking myself back up when I fail.
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I was watching Oprah yesterday and she had on Bob Greene. He said you need to ask yourself these 3 questions. I think they are great questions to ask.

    WHY are you overweight?

    WHY do you want to lose weight?

    WHY have you been unable to maintain weighloss?

    Great questions!

    1) I was overweight because of a mindset that said things like: I can't. So why even try. Weight issues run in the family. I'm too tired. I enjoy food. If I want it, I can have it.

    2) I wanted to lose the weight because deep down I knew that those statements above were not me! I was succombing to the preconceived notions of what other people thought I should be. Plus, I was starting to feel so terrible about who I was becoming. I was tired of wearing pinchy clothes. I was tired of lieing to myself that I was happier overweight. And mostly, I knew that my body is a precious temple and it is my responsibility to take care of it.

    3) I don't think I'd really ever tried before. I'd never been overweight until the last 10 years or so. And I just tried to convince myself that now that I'm married with 3 kids and in my mid-30''s okay to be fat. But I have found out that absolutely NONE of those excuses were real...nor were they making me feel good about me.
  • katrina1122
    katrina1122 Posts: 23
    I was watching Oprah yesterday and she had on Bob Greene. He said you need to ask yourself these 3 questions. I think they are great questions to ask.

    WHY are you overweight?

    I always have been and never liked sports so I never got enough exercise, now it's just habit.

    WHY do you want to lose weight?

    To improve my health.

    WHY have you been unable to maintain weighloss?

    It's hard, I love sweets and don't love exercise, but this time it's to avoid yet another ankle surgery, so I'm more motivated.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I am overweight because I eat my emotions, and I eat in boredom. I want to loose weight for lots of reasons, I want to look good first of all! It may seem superficial but I want a sexy body. I love the energy from eating right and working out. I have failed before out of pure laziness, I hit a wall say screw it it's easier to be fat and then cry that I can't loose weight, NOT THIS TIME!!!!!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Good questions!

    WHY are you overweight?

    Thoughtless eating. I shovelled food in thinking a craving meant it was something my body needed. Seeing the massive calories and lack of nutrition of my former choices was a real shocker!

    WHY do you want to lose weight?

    To get back the strong, healthy body I had 10 years ago that I earned through a lot of sweat and dedication. As I get older I realise the health implications of my weight gain go hand-in-hard with the aesthetic ones.

    WHY have you been unable to maintain weight-loss?

    By thinking that just the ONE slip won't matter. The ONE chocolate bar, the ONE night on beer, the ONE day of celebration, the ONE week of holiday, the ONE month of job stress...
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    WHY are you overweight?
    I ate too much - plain and simple. Even when I was working out during the week, I was still eating too much. Going to the gym for an hour and then eating 2 mcchickens and fries and a sweet tea from mcdonalds won't let you lose weight. I ate when I was bored, hungry, sad, happy, and whenever I wanted and whatever I wanted.

    WHY do you want to lose weight?
    Getting married in July 2012, I'd like to be at 150 by then maybe lower.. I want to look amazing on my wedding day and not have to worry about if my dress looks ok or how I'm going to look in candid photos... Also, I want to be healthy - I want my cholesterol lower than both my parents :D and I want to have kids one day and I want to be a fun and active mom like my mom was to me and my brother. Also, I want to influence my fiance's eating and working out in hopes he will lose weight too (mainly for health reasons )

    WHY have you been unable to maintain weighloss?
    EATING. I don't know..I just love to eat bad food.. I gave up fast food for May so I'm hoping this helps curb the craving for the rest of the year. I still eat things I shouldnt and there is no reason.. I've lost almost 23 lbs.. I know I can lose the rest.. I just gotta get even more motivated
  • LaDawn74
    LaDawn74 Posts: 132 Member
    After reading most of the replies, WE all have the same issues/problems/way of thinking.

    Its nice to know that I'm/we aren't alone in our way of thinking.

    With help from everyone on here, we will beat our deamon thinking.
  • mommiedawn
    mommiedawn Posts: 53 Member
    I was watching Oprah yesterday and she had on Bob Greene. He said you need to ask yourself these 3 questions. I think they are great questions to ask.

    WHY are you overweight?

    WHY do you want to lose weight?

    WHY have you been unable to maintain weighloss?

    I am overweight because be it age, my sedentary job, whatever, I just can't eat like a kid and have whatever whenever and how much ever I want anymore.

    I want to lose weight so that I can be healthy and energetic and look the part too.

    I have been unable to do this before because I just tried to eat less, or just tried to work out a lot. I never made a conscious effort to monitor what I take in and what I burn off.

    (My hope is that some day I'll be naturally able to live a healthy lifestyle without the constant tracking, but I'm willing to invest however long it takes before that happens. It took two full years to get my financial life in order so that it ran without daily monitoring and I believe that I can get there with my fitness as well.)
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    I was watching Oprah yesterday and she had on Bob Greene. He said you need to ask yourself these 3 questions. I think they are great questions to ask.

    WHY are you overweight?

    WHY do you want to lose weight?

    WHY have you been unable to maintain weighloss?

    Very good questions!

    1 - I put the weight on while pregnant, and kept it on while dealing with the first 18 months and PPD.

    2 - I want to lose weight to feel good about myself, to feel healthy and energetic, to be a good example for my kids and give myself the best possible chance of staying healthy as I get older. And I want to put my pre-pregnancy jeans back on!

    3- I know I can maintain the weight-loss, my issue has been getting started losing the weight in the frist place. Since I will never be pregnant again I have no excuse to put it back on.
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