Coworkers Leave Me Candy....GRRRR!



  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Announce (LOUDLY) a great reward for the missing bag of Dove Dark (for shame on those who stole that!!)

    Make the reward the commercial size bag of Kit Kats!!

    Also, when handing over the bag of Kit Kat's, tell them to just give you a break. (Sorry, had to say it)

    Company-wide shame email :) "MISSING: Bag of Dove Chocolates - REWARD: Big bag 'o Kit Kats!"

    Works every time. Had to send one when I encountered a food bandit at a former job. Kept stealing my stuff out of the fridge!
  • wysmom2000
    wysmom2000 Posts: 101 Member
    Kind of timely as when I came back from lunch today, there was a gigantic chocolate chunk cookie from Mrs. Fields sitting on my desk. The gal that put it there knows I'm on a healthy eating plan because we've discussed it to no end! I'll just take it home to my son for a nice treat :)
  • suzksell
    suzksell Posts: 48 Member
    I know that deep down you understand that they are insecure and that's why they do this to you. I would hide my "healther" treats, and when I find their "gifts" on my desk I would buy a large bowl and dump everything in it and place it somewhere where THEY can fill up on it. Maybe even attach a lovely little PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE note that says..."someone left these sweet treats on my desk for everyone to enjoy! Please help yourselves...."
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Kind of timely as when I came back from lunch today, there was a gigantic chocolate chunk cookie from Mrs. Fields sitting on my desk. The gal that put it there knows I'm on a healthy eating plan because we've discussed it to no end! I'll just take it home to my son for a nice treat :)

    Maybe they truly think they are being nice by giving you a "treat". Some people really don't get it. I bet your son is going to enjoy it though! :flowerforyou:

    Although, OP it does sound like your co-workers are just being snarky. :huh:
  • Thorneapple
    Thorneapple Posts: 154
    I actually overheard two people talking about how I am "sucking the life" out of the office because I will have fruit and cottage cheese for breakfast instead of a danish or muffin. How do my eating habits affect other people's attitudes?

    That is so childish and petty! If they are unhappy with their lifestyle choices, that's their problem. I agree with what others have said ... put the Kit Kats in a common area, and hide your next bag of Dove chocolates in a bottom drawer and lock it!
  • jeeping_mom
    jeeping_mom Posts: 72
    I think you should take a bag of baby carrots and use them to spell "Eat Me" in the break room.
  • aehartley
    aehartley Posts: 269 Member
    well this makes me feel better about our reps that come into the office. I work in the medical field and our reps know I am changing my life. One of our reps always brings candy. After I didn't eat it a few times, he actually brought me carrot sticks, and water.. now he will bring me 2 ( exactly) pieces of dark choclate minatures and a water. ; because he knows I will eat them. I thought that was nice.

    I think I would cut someone who took my food - we have the supplies to do it...
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    UPDATE: My Dove dark chocolates mysteriously ended up in the breakroom....Bag now only has 2 pieces left.
  • jerseygirlmaggie
    jerseygirlmaggie Posts: 165 Member
    Here's how I would handle that. I would by a candy dish or a container of some kind and toss those in there and leave somewhere on your desk that is easily accessible to everyone.

    If anyone asks, tell them you weren't in the mood for it but wanted to leave it out in case someone else wanted it.

    Live your life for you and not for anyone else! I don't see how one person eating healthy in an office full of unhealthy people "sucks the life" out of your office but TOO BAD!!!! Time to be like a duck and let that crap roll off you.....

    P.S. Great job resisting all that temptation.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    UPDATE: My Dove dark chocolates mysteriously ended up in the breakroom....Bag now only has 2 pieces left.

    Now THAT would piss me off. Would they take your lunch and put it in the break room for all to eat? I think I'd send an email to my supervisor. It's one thing to leave something on your desk, it's wholly another to take your personal property that YOU PAID MONEY FOR. Ridiculous. Whoever did this needs to replace your bag PRONTO! *end rant*
  • Wow that is pretty mean, I can't believe people would be that cruel. And you would think that they could use you as an example of how to eat, not try and ruin you! Keep up your awesome work though!
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    Yah, I'd be ticked if they took my Dove chocolate.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Shame on them for taking something that was yours, and shame on them for making you feel bad about making good choices for yourself. Whatever. As for the candy they leave on your desk, I'd move it to the break room and put it in a bowl out in the open so people will be more likely to take it.

    I think they sound immature and their behavior is laughable.

    Try to brush it off, it's just more motivation to do what you're doing.
  • rjanson
    rjanson Posts: 6 Member
    UPDATE: My Dove dark chocolates mysteriously ended up in the breakroom....Bag now only has 2 pieces left.

    Now THAT would piss me off. Would they take your lunch and put it in the break room for all to eat? I think I'd send an email to my supervisor. It's one thing to leave something on your desk, it's wholly another to take your personal property that YOU PAID MONEY FOR. Ridiculous. Whoever did this needs to replace your bag PRONTO! *end rant*

    How unspeakably rude of them!
  • jerseygirlmaggie
    jerseygirlmaggie Posts: 165 Member
    well this makes me feel better about our reps that come into the office. I work in the medical field and our reps know I am changing my life. One of our reps always brings candy. After I didn't eat it a few times, he actually brought me carrot sticks, and water.. now he will bring me 2 ( exactly) pieces of dark choclate minatures and a water. ; because he knows I will eat them. I thought that was nice.

    I think I would cut someone who took my food - we have the supplies to do it...

    Now that's funny.....
  • saltorian
    saltorian Posts: 192 Member
    UPDATE: My Dove dark chocolates mysteriously ended up in the breakroom....Bag now only has 2 pieces left.

    Seriously?? That's just despicable. Report this crap to your boss and make sure that you keep your chocolates safely out of sight (or locked up!) in the future. You shouldn't have to worry about it, but sometimes that's just how it is. People suck.
  • remembertheharddrive
    remembertheharddrive Posts: 133 Member
    I really liked the idea about leaving carrots on people's desks.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    It sounds like some bitter chunkies that haven't found MFP yet! Maybe you can convert them, LOL.
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