How can I find the motivation...again?

Five years ago I planned a vaction of a lifetime with my husband to St. Lucia. I was so distraught at having to buy a bathing suit that I was going to cancel the trip. I was so embarrassed at my appearance that I couldn't enjoy myself. I vowed that I would make serious changes when I got back. I lost 50 pounds in about 10 months. I religiously exercised every day and was diligent at eating right. It seems like the minute I reached that goal I started to lose my motivation. I've been yo-yoing back and forth until now i've gained it all back. No matter what I do I can't get my motivation back. I haven't exercised in months and it seems like the only things I want to eat are cake, cookies and candy. Not that this is an excuse, but I started a new job in January and we've been in a legal battle since December with our new neighbor that is costing us thousands of dollars in legal fees. Please, if anyone has any words of advice I'm desperate. Thank you for listening.


  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    no one can really find the motivation for u. u just gotta do it. one morning u have to say this is enough. get rid of the junk in your house. plan what foods u will eat instead. post pictures on your fridge of u at your goal weight. do whatever it takes to get yourself in gear. starting is not easy. but once u do each day gets easier. my favorite quote is 'a year from now you will have wished u started today' live without that regret
  • nkovacs1954
    nkovacs1954 Posts: 64 Member
    Go for a walk. Then another one the next day. I love cake and donuts but nearly as much as wearing smaller size pants. And now an XL instead of 3X. Make it gradual and not a destination. You'll do fine if it's important to you
  • vlvaldes
    vlvaldes Posts: 3 Member
    I *LOVE* cake and cookies! So I allow myself to indulge in a small bit/piece at the END of the day, after I've had a good mound of fresh veggies (raw or steamed). For me, eating sugary foods earlier in the day results in a sugar crash that makes me crave, and give in to, more sweets. But if I wait until the end of the day, maybe an hour before bed, I get my treat for a job well done, brush my teeth, and say good night before the sugar crash and the cravings kick in again.
  • pmd913
    pmd913 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks so much for your input. I've tracked my food today for the first time in months. I hope this is the start of something good and I can stick with it this time.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,915 Member
    pmd913 wrote: »
    Five years ago I planned a vaction of a lifetime with my husband to St. Lucia. I was so distraught at having to buy a bathing suit that I was going to cancel the trip. I was so embarrassed at my appearance that I couldn't enjoy myself. I vowed that I would make serious changes when I got back. I lost 50 pounds in about 10 months. I religiously exercised every day and was diligent at eating right. It seems like the minute I reached that goal I started to lose my motivation. I've been yo-yoing back and forth until now i've gained it all back. No matter what I do I can't get my motivation back. I haven't exercised in months and it seems like the only things I want to eat are cake, cookies and candy. Not that this is an excuse, but I started a new job in January and we've been in a legal battle since December with our new neighbor that is costing us thousands of dollars in legal fees. Please, if anyone has any words of advice I'm desperate. Thank you for listening.
    You HAD a specific goal in mind due to an experience. Once you reach the goal, you didn't have another to go for, so you relaxed your efforts.
    So now you have to decide what you really want to do and if you're COMMITTED to it, you'll have a written goal and a plan of action to achieve it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • sculptcha
    sculptcha Posts: 163 Member
    if the motivation is inside you, you'll find it. that's the only ONLY place you'll find it. don't bother looking anywhere else. i mean, others can provide support and inspiration, but you're the only person who can act on reaching your goals.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited April 2015
    Motivation comes from within, no one can give it to you or tell you how to find it. You simply have to want the body you're envisioning for yourself more than you want to eat too much.

    Honestly, I don't believe in living in guilt. I did it for years and realized that I either needed to put up or shut up. If I wasn't willing to put in the effort then having the body I kept telling myself I wanted obviously wasn't a true priority and I needed to live with that and for awhile I did.

    Another point, you can certainly eat cookies and cake while losing weight, you just need to fit them into your daily calorie goals. There's absolutely nothing wrong with eating a cookie or two every day.