Is this possible?

babylaur99 Posts: 10 Member
edited April 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been on low carb diet for about 3 months or so now and I went from 175-133 lbs (I'm 5"4). For the past four days I have binged like craaaazy. I'm talking between 2500-4000 calories, 250+ carbs, 90+ grams fat a day. I got on the scale today and it says I'm 141. Is it possible I gained 8 lbs from this? I ate quite a lot of bad things like chocolate and candy and ice cream.


  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Of fat? No, it's probably mostly water weight. But you lost 40+ pounds in three months? No wonder you're binging. Foods are neither good or bad.
  • cosmo_momo
    cosmo_momo Posts: 173 Member
    Congrats on the loss! You are probably seeing a small amount of actual weight gain, and a lot of water weight gain. At this point I'd recommend reintroducing a normal carb intake into your diet. That may be the reason for the binging, and at this point you probably want to start learning to eat "normally" again for sustained weight loss. What kind of calorie restriction were you working with to lose the weight? Perhaps it was (or has recently been) too aggressive.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Binges frequently result in water weight gain. It can be especially dramatic if you were eating low carbohydrates.

    It may be helpful to stop thinking of foods as "bad" and begin thinking about a plan you can sustain long-term.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Some is probably (actually most likely) water.
    Some might (small might) be actual fat weight. Like a pound or 2.

  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Prob a lot of water weight

  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Binges frequently result in water weight gain. It can be especially dramatic if you were eating low carbohydrates.

    It may be helpful to stop thinking of foods as "bad" and begin thinking about a plan you can sustain long-term.

    This low carb isn't needed unless you have a medical condition. This is exactly what happens when people eliminate things like carbs, they just end up going over board .
  • Heath014
    Heath014 Posts: 3 Member
    Great job! How did you lose the weight?