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This happens to me EVERY time...

nikii14 Posts: 403 Member
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
I do well the first 2 weeks on any diet I start. I have to admit, I have done even better with this website, but once I hit the 3rd week, for some reason, I get discouraged. Im not sure if its the amount (or lack of) weight loss. I give up at this point and feel that its not worth it.

Im sure many of you go through the same thing so I don't mean to sound like Im looking for pity. I just needed to vent:sad:


  • nikii14
    nikii14 Posts: 403 Member
    I do well the first 2 weeks on any diet I start. I have to admit, I have done even better with this website, but once I hit the 3rd week, for some reason, I get discouraged. Im not sure if its the amount (or lack of) weight loss. I give up at this point and feel that its not worth it.

    Im sure many of you go through the same thing so I don't mean to sound like Im looking for pity. I just needed to vent:sad:
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Stay in the game....I'm sure you heard it before, but it didn't take two weeks to put on the weight and it won't take two weeks to take it off, unfortunately!!! Just have an off day and get back on track tomorrow! Eventually you will see results!!!
  • Tomorrow is a new day. It is so easy to get discouraged because dieting and creating a new life style isn't easy. Try to think of what you will gain after losing weight and exercising after six months? Of course I am speaking to myself too because I just started my diet last Monday and already had a "I blew it" junk food day.
    Hang in there
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I have been there more than once. I have been here since Aug and have felt that way numerous times. What I have done is take a day off and relax. Don't go nuts but relax a bit. Second I come on and read that always seems to help. Then I plan. It is so much easier to eat healthy when you have planned your meals to be healthy. My family has gotten used to eathing healthy and do not complain.

    Good luck. You can do this.:drinker:
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    unfortunately it's very much mind over matter and it's a psychological struggle more than a physical one. You, and only you, can succeed against yourself. Like everyone else has said, "stick with it" and you will succeed. Good Luck
  • mingie
    mingie Posts: 9
    Here's a tip, I have found ,if I have an apple aday, and keep vegie cut up in bags when I get hungry they are there. BUT IT'S THE VEGIE THAT HOLD ME! as long as I keep eating veg. I do not get hungry.

    Why not make a big pot of veg. soup. Put it in med. serving and have something warm. You will feel

    better about yourself and be satisfied. Be Happy take a little or big walk. Put in some music and dance. Good Luck and remenber be HAPPY!:

  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    I had a really good teacher one time tell me...If you're gonna fall...fall forward. Okay, discouragement and falling are inevitable...so Fall Forward...just keep on keeping on! You WILL make it if you just don't give in and give up. Hang in there, we've all pretty much been there...BUT we're all still here too...so you see, you can do it.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    You may be trying too much. If your change cannot be made for life, it will be very hard to stick to. No one can do the cabbage soup diet (or whatever) for the rest of their life (and who would want to!), so those diets don't work. Make small changes that you can stick to. Once you have one small change completely under your control, make another one.

    Best of luck to you.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I can totally relate to you sweetheart. That is how I am feeling right now. I was so hyped to lose weight and now I am in my 3rd week and totally discouraged. I've even gained 2 lbs. I am not backing down though. I have giving myself a million reasons to stop trying but I guess something insides knows that I will never not stop trying....
  • You are probably a plateau person like I am and it can be so darn discusting to stay on a strict diet and follow it just to find out that that week you didn't lose ANY pounds... the trick is to keep plugging away because you will finally drop suddenly but it can take up two two - three weeks. At least that is what I have found for me and my plateau's... keep the chin up its worth it in the long run
  • kelpie06
    kelpie06 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm in the third week too and this weekend was ... well let's just say I don't want to even talk about it. But it's over, there's nothing I can do to change it. And as so many people have been saying it's important to just move on.

    We are making lifestyle changes and it takes a long time to creat new habbits. Hang in there. Take one day at a time and if necessary one hour at a time.

    I fill myself up with lots and lots of water and fruit to keep the nagging hunger pains away.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Here's something that was very valuable to me on my journey.

    I had a great trainer/nutritionist/therapist (not really, but it felt like it some days) when I started out.

    I said something like "I always do _______" and she said to me:

    "No, you used to do __________. You don't anymore."

    It was so simple, but made such a profound impact on me. I had been a person afraid to finish what I started for fear that I would fail, or more likely, fear that I would succeed.

    So, this USED TO happen to you EVERY time.

    This isn't a diet. You're changing your life. I would also second what Mary said above. Make sure that you're making changes that can follow you for the rest of your life.:flowerforyou:
  • Also, remember to celebrate your successes--however small. Last night while watching Food Network (it gets me every time!), I started craving the foods I was watching Bobby Flay eat. My usual thinking pattern (oh, I deserve that...I'll eat better tomorrow...etc) started, but I changed the chanel and did NOT give in. It was a success, albeit a tiny one. I woke up this morning happy with myself, rather than depressed that I'd faltered. Maybe I'll use that same strength later this week in the face of temptation or maybe I will give in, only time will tell. You HAVE have been successful in this incredible challange, so celebrate that and learn from your mistakes!
  • nikii14
    nikii14 Posts: 403 Member
    Thanks for all the POSITIVE thoughts!!!
    I guess like most of us, I want to see results NOW, and that's just not going to happen.
    I think the first 2 weeks is considered fun since its something "new" but now it just seems annoying..:laugh:
    But in the long run it is worth it. I keep thinking, if I give up now, how will I look in a bathing suit this summer?? Then I'll really kick myself in the a**.

    Thanks again!!!
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    I was reading a very good article in Fitness magazine that said it can take up to 4 weeks to really see the effects of eating healthy and working out...

    Our bodies just need time. You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • moidyn
    moidyn Posts: 112
    What I have done is put my goal down on paper. I have goal time frames, how much I want to weigh by a certain time. I write how much I want to lose in that goal time frame and tack it up next to my computer screen at work. It is awfully hard to eat junk with that number looking at you...
  • I have been told on several occasions that it takes about 21 days to develop a habit. Keep plugging along, it has been about 4 weeks for me and I have just begun noticing that I don't want to eat the junk I used to eat! You can do it and we are all here to prove it can be done!! Good luck!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    did you know that the average person has to do something for 13 days to make it a habit?

    I too did this same thing, two good weeks, scale doesn't seem to like me so week three I give up. I had to take baby steps first.

    I first started eatting 5-6 small meals at very certain times of the day (7a, 10a, 12p, 3p, 6p, and sometimes a snack at 8p) I had to do this for a couple of weeks, I actually carried a timer with me so I wouldn't miss a meal time, after about 10 days I noticed that I started to get hungry about 20-30 minutes before I was supposed to eat, so my body was adjusting to its new "fueling" schedule..lol

    So the scale only dropped a couple of lbs so my next step was to get 30 mins of cardio 5x a week. After 2 weeks I missed a day and not only did I feel guilty but I wanted to get back on, now I do 5-6 days a week for an hour and 4 days weights.

    After these became habit that is when I started to incorporate better food choices into my diet, less processed more fresh.

    You didn't put the weight on over night and making a choice to get healthy may come to you over night but the rewards take as much, if not a bit more time, than putting the weight on did. Make mini goals, like my first was to get out of the 240's (yes I said it), then 230's now I am battling one lb to get out of the 220's but my next weigh in it will be gone! Little goals make your long term goal seem a bit more manageable! Keep it up, chug on through week three and you will be happy when week four rolls around.
  • flachix
    flachix Posts: 256 Member
    I think after the second week, you begin to get overwhelmed. its forever, forever, forever, and that is more than a little daunting. Try it by the day, or even the hour. for this one hour I will make healthy eating choices. not tomorrow, or next week, but right now.
    I set a 100 day journey. why? because I knew I couldn't face the idea of forever. I can do anything for a limited amount of time. but I can't guarantee a forever. I am envious of those who can, they change their life completely. I am not that secure. but I know I can do it for 69 more days.:laugh: also, in the back of your brain you were anticipating this. like you said, its always this way. now is a great opportunity for growth. even if its 2 weeks and a day this time, then 3 weeks, then 3 weeks and a day. don't set yourself up to fail. you USED to fail. now, you will succeed. why? this site. you came here for a reason. this time you will see it further than ever before. :bigsmile:
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