Getting Healthy-need an Accountabuddy!

MrsP831 Posts: 5 Member
Hello! I Turned 29 rrecently and decided it is time to get healthy. In the past I have always been up and down with my weight. Winters I would gain 15 pounds but come spring I ever had any trouble losing it. All of a sudden, however, it's not coming off. I'm Uber frustrated and to top it off I have gained 5 on top of the 15 for a total of 20 pounds gained. I started feeling cranky every day, not sleeping well, being stressed out and eating my feelings. So I decided to get healthy. Not to diet, but to make lifestyle changes. It's been difficult and made more difficult because in my home I'm doing it alone. My son has to eat what I make .. and he will.. but my husband doesnt. Because of this i am looking for an accountability buddy... an accountabuddy! I'mwanting to be more active and eat healthier. Not just to lose weight but to feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. I welcome anyone who is interested or has suggestions or healthy recipes, or even just some words of encouragement. I can also offer encouragement of needed!


  • amb05855
    amb05855 Posts: 2 Member
    i'm 25 years old, with quite a few health problems, including type 2 diabetes, a heart problem, and a thyroid issue (to name a few). I weigh 206 lbs and want to lose. my goal is to get down to 150 at least. I know what u r talking about when u say ur doing it alone. I am as well. it's not easy finding people to be active with. an "accountabuddy" would be nice. I want to be more active and eat healthier too. it's not hard, but I believe with the right support, I can accomplish my goal.
  • MrsP831
    MrsP831 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow you have a lot on your plate! It's very difficult to be the only adult in a household that is striving to eat healthy. I am also trying to eat more natural foods and less processed and chemicals. Where are you from?
  • csflowers2009
    csflowers2009 Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2015
    I have just re-joined, and would love to have someone help keep me accountable and that I can be there for as well. I have fallen off the wagon sooo many times. I now weigh 210 and would like to get down to 135. I have set my first goal at losing 10 pounds by May 30th of this year. That is when I am taking my new horse to her 1st show. I know this is not going to be easy, but having friends fighting the same battle helps. Please feel free to add me1
  • txtemperance
    txtemperance Posts: 7 Member
    I'd love to have an Accountabuddy! I'm just starting and want to lose over 100 lbs - from 265 (my heaviest) to 130. I live alone w/ my dog but help my sister every day after my 8 hr work day w/ her 3 kids under 3 (crazy hectic household!) and they eat for easiness vs healthy. I need to find a way to eat better & exercise in this hectic day!
  • MrsP831
    MrsP831 Posts: 5 Member
    It's so hard isn't it! And I feel so much of our society is focused towards convenience because of our cultures need for busy-ness. Are you able to pack something to take with you?
  • MrsP831
    MrsP831 Posts: 5 Member
    I have just re-joined, and would love to have someone help keep me accountable and that I can be there for as well. I have fallen off the wagon sooo many times. I now weigh 210 and would like to get down to 135. I have set my first goal at losing 10 pounds by May 30th of this year. That is when I am taking my new horse to her 1st show. I know this is not going to be easy, but having friends fighting the same battle helps. Please feel free to add me1

    I will add you! I also set smaller goals and celebrate the little steps. It's helps to fight the mundane and keeps me going rather than setting a large goal and getting discouraged when it doesn't happen right away.
  • sstrack123
    sstrack123 Posts: 171 Member
    I am always open for new friends that share diary and to offer encouragement if anyone wants to add me.