Need some friends with similar goals to stay motivated with!

I'm trying to lose 30 pounds (hopefully 10-15 of it by June!). I'm in need of some diet buddies so I have someone to help keep my motivation going strong. The staying away from junk food is what I have a problem with. I workout a few times a week.


  • lauranewman130
    lauranewman130 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi there! I have similar goals. I never do these community things as I never follow through. However, I'm dead serious about losing weight. I'm heaviest I've ever been. 160 and I want to get down to 130! I am aiming to work out 5 days /week because I'm anxious. Worried it won't happen due to life getting in the way, of course. I used to be a health/fitness nut before I got married and had my son. So I know what to do, its doing it! would be happy to try and support one another and know lots about nutrition, too! I'm off to the gym now- after work --first day. I'm half excited and half feeling the dread. It's not going to be easy but the only way is up when it comes to my weight if I don't do something!
  • jessical2513
    jessical2513 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5'9 and weigh 202 currently. My goal is 170! I've lost about 15 pounds since the beginning of the year but have fallen off the wagon the past few weeks. I had to have my gallbladder out and plan to workout the first time since then tonight after my son is in bed. I'm actually excited. I enjoy working out. Food is my downfall.
  • JalapenoHottie
    JalapenoHottie Posts: 2 MFP Moderator
    Hi, I'm 5'3 and weigh 140 currently. My goal is 120 and I've lost about 10 lbs since the beginning of the year. I really like weight training but I hate cardio. My goal is to lift 6 days a week and do cardio twice per day on those days. During weekends, it's really hard for me to stay on track altogether. On weekdays, it's just hard for me to get up for morning cardio. Friend me please. We can motivate each other.
  • jnxbabe13
    jnxbabe13 Posts: 1 Member
    I am knew to this. Have a six month old son and weigh more now than the day i had him. Trying to get motivated myself. Am dead serious on getting this weight off. Im 5'8" @ 190. Hoping to get down to 160. Im here if any body wants motivation pals. I know i sure could use some. Best wishes for all!!
  • rebekahmdx
    rebekahmdx Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm new here too. I'm currently trying to lose about 30 pounds and looking for people to stay motivated with! I have a goal to work out 5 days a week, mainly cardio based exercises. I'd be happy to accept any friend request:)