1 litre of icecream every night....

So ive been eating a 1 litre tub of icecream almost every night for the past few weeks...

I don't know how to stop. Yes u may say "stop buying it" but it's really not that easy..the mental battle.

I feel terrible after eating it and full to the point of feeling sick (kind of wish I would vomit to get it out of me too).

But then the next day, after work, I just have to go to the shops for icecream. It's a junk food craving but lately is expressing as icecream. I can't stop. And every day I'll say I must never do that again. But I will.

I'm wondering if I should speak to a professional psychiatrist person about my general eating. Because the past few month's I haven't been able to stop eating. I'm not necessarily hungry all the time, I just want food all the time.

I dont know whats wrong with me :-(


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Can you buy a smaller tub? I'm thinking once you're home, you wouldn't go back out for more. You can have your ice cream, just try to cut down on the portion.
  • Eau_Rouge
    Eau_Rouge Posts: 7 Member
    By what you have said, ie, 'cannot stop' - you may want to consider professional help.
  • TheRoseRoss
    TheRoseRoss Posts: 112 Member
    I think you should speak with a professional. I don't know that there's anything that anyone here could say that would help. I don't know if it's psychological, physiological, or both, but this seems severe. Especially with you not lying to yourself by saying things like "I know it's not THAT bad."