Help understanding Net calories

I input my food for the day and stick pretty close to it if not right on. I make adjustments during the day. I just finished my T25 workout and will walk tonight 1.5-2 miles with the dog. My fitbit is paired to myfitnesspal so it records and adjusts the exercise. I am not losing weight at all. Need help understanding the net.
our Daily Summary
37 lbs
Calories Remaining
Add Food
Add Exercise
1200 Goal
1216 Food
106 Exercise
1110 Net
News Feed View : Summary

This is what it reads now-1110 net. thank you for your help. Yesterday I had a 560 net


  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    How long have you been doing MFP?
  • phitnessjunky
    phitnessjunky Posts: 22 Member
    What do you weigh? If you don't mind me asking?
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Food you eat - Exercise = Net calories

    If you're using MFP as is, you should eat some of your exercise calories back.
  • NJ84
    NJ84 Posts: 8 Member
    Do we have to eat it all back or is there a minimum net calorie intake we should be meeting in order to loose weight safely?
  • squidgebob
    squidgebob Posts: 13 Member
    Minimum net should be 1200 for women, below this you are causing your body SERIOUS damage. Also, if you're netting 1200 everyday then you should have one day per week where you net slightly more as it stops your metabolism slowing down and stops you wanting to give up
  • NJ84
    NJ84 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for the help :)
  • Tinarcrawford
    Tinarcrawford Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the help