Kind of new?

Hello! My name is Roxanne! A couple of years ago, I was on this site because I noticed a small weight gain, and wanted to tone up!

As months went on, I stayed within my calories, worked out, and kept up with a routine that had always worked for me. The only difference was that I was getting bigger and bigger, and both my clothes and the scale were there to let me know it wasn't all in my head.

In one month, I gained 20lbs out of the blue. After that happened, I deactivated my account and sort of gave up for a while, feeling incredibly defeated.

I am seeing a doctor (today, actually!) to rule out any medical concerns that may have caused this, but in the meantime, I have realized that giving up should not be an option. While I have always been curvy, even at my lightest of 115lbs, being that I'm only 5 feet tall, I have had hips and thighs that were much thicker than other girls who were taller with the same weight. I finally like my curves, just not the ones on my belly!

So this is me, trying to fight whatever is trying to stop me from having the body I would feel comfortable in. I'd love support, especially from anyone who has a body type/weight loss goals similar to mine!

I am currently 150lbs. I would like my first goal to be 135lbs. Here's to hoping!


  • thesweetseat
    thesweetseat Posts: 3 Member
    I understand completely and I hope the doctor can give you some answers!! Good luck!