Cheap easy Muscle building lunch box

Hi all, I'm relatively new to this app, my reason for joining is I need help!
I'm very active, in a typical Monday to Friday I hit my gym every day and do everything from DVDs, weights, calisthenic, Mma, crossfit etc BUT my body isn't where I want it to be.
My nutrition is relatively clean with again a Monday - Friday consisting of muesli for breakfast, fish and light salad for lunch, chicken breast and sweet potato with peppers and olives for lunch with a shake, two apples and a banana chucked it along the way. Dinner is usually some kind of family thing like chilli, pasta, roast etc.
I don't exercise at the weekends but still eat the healthier options.
My question to you guys is Should I eat more (I'm 143lbs) during the day and what do people suggest that is cheap, easy to make, healthy and yummy??
Thanks in advance, look forward to meeting new people.


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Ho w tall are you? And what are your physique goals? Does your exercise regime really contribute towards achieving those goals?
    Does your food intake contribute towards achieving those goals?

    How many calories are you eating, and what is your macro breakdown? To me, your meals sound light in fat, and they don't sound overly filling.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    What is your current calorie intake and what are your macros? It's impossible to say whether you need to eat more without knowing how much you are currently eating.
  • roymbstevens
    roymbstevens Posts: 31 Member
    Lean muscle ...and abs (yep that old chestnut)
    Exercise is good for all round conditioning.
    My food diet needs altering so open to suggestions!?
    Cal= 1600-2000
    50 carb
    21 fat
    29 protein
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    So you're trying to grow muscle.... But get abs? Sorry. Pick one or the other! I think more focus on a decent weights program would help you in this area, also eating slightly above maintenance to enable you to grow.

    I don't think that's nearly enough calories... And your macros should be in grams, not percentages. Try using for a better idea about your macro breakdown and calories to support your goals.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I'm very active, in a typical Monday to Friday I hit my gym every day and do everything from DVDs, weights, calisthenic, Mma, crossfit etc BUT my body isn't where I want it to be.

    I might be wrong but it sounds like you're just doing anything that you feel like. You need to follow a specific training routine and stick to it for 6 months.

    If you do a lot of non-lifting exercises, you'll just use up the fuel you're eating on doing the cardio stuff.

    Also, 2000 kcals is not enough to build at your height. Aim for 2500 and see how things go. I'd even suggest pushing it to 3000. I'm 5'8 and aim for a minimum of 2500 to maintain.

    Right now, I don't count and just eat when I want. I'm maintaining happily because I do a lot of sport as well as strength work. I'm 43 FWIW. I'm still aiming to build size hence I routinely do my weight work irrespective of whatever else is going on.
  • roymbstevens
    roymbstevens Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for all the info above guys.
    I do like to do what ever I feel like :(

    I will stick to a steady weights programme for a few months and up my food intake.

    Can any of you suggest some good foods and combos to have as my lunch box is dull and uninspiring or point me in the right direction on where to find??
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Hehe. Try the 5x5 stronglifts routine. Google it.

    Food? I eat any old *kitten*. :D
  • roymbstevens
    roymbstevens Posts: 31 Member
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    1.) you'll never build muscle doing everything from "lifting to DVD's"
    2.) You'll never build muscle eating 1600-2000 calories a day.
    3.) Specific food doesn't build muscle directly.

    So my suggestions.
    Start a lifting program
    Starting strength
    Strong lifts
    new rules of lifting
    ice cream fitness

    If you know how to do compound Barbell lifts-and had some time under the bar- you might be able to swing Wendlers.

    If you're maintaining your weight now (you might around 2000-2200) go ahead and eat at maintenance or a little over maintenance (250-350) for the next 6 months.

    as for food- eat whatever you like- no specific food will help you- just eating food at a small surplus and lifting will get you growth.

  • jddnw
    jddnw Posts: 319 Member
    All this guy is looking for are some ideas for his lunch box, and instead everybody is jumping all over him about his workout routine. Facepalm.

    If I made my own lunch I'd offer suggestions, but I don't. Sorry.
  • roymbstevens
    roymbstevens Posts: 31 Member
    Hahaha it's all good jddnw...every little helps. But yeah was looking for foods too
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    What do you want to eat? You're a grown man, you don't need other people to tell you what to put in your mouth.

    Work out your macros in grams (not percentages of a calorie total), and make meals you like to fit those. You can eat as often or as little as you like. Pick nutritious foods most of the time, lots of fruit and vegies, good Fats and protein, hit your fibre numbers, and if you have macros left, fill them with what you like. Fwiw, I eat most of my carbs around training (pre and post) with protein - low fat. Other meals are lower carbs and higher fat, protein is sort of evenly spread across all meals. You don't have to do that though!
  • kmsoucy457
    kmsoucy457 Posts: 237 Member
    I haven't been on MPF long either, but the general consensus seems to be protein+lifting=muscle. Given that, here are my food suggestions for you:
    hard-boiled eggs: great portable snack
    tuna salad/chicken salad/whatever salad made with Cottage Cheese, not mayo, not yogurt as is more popular. Lots of extra protein there. Top a green salad with it, or eat it in a sandwich.
    Greek yogurt
    canned tuna in OIL. Yes, oil. It's delicious, worth the extra calories, and you can keep a can for emergencies, no mixing required. Do drain out the excess oil, though.
    I'm not a huge proponent of protein powder, but it is a quick, easy way to up your protein. There are lots of recipes out there which incorporate it.
    Peanut butter/ nut butter. Nom.
    I'm not an expert, but it sound like you'll want to bulk, then cut for the results you desire. Lots of folks here are great sources for more info in that area.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited April 2015
    If your goal is to build muscle then you have two choices

    Bulk then cut

    or go for a body recomp

    For the former you need to eat above maintenance whilst following a progressive lifting routine

    For the latter you need to eat at maintenance whilst following a progressive lifting routine

    for both you need to ensure your diet at a minimum hits minimum macros of

    0.8-1g protein per lb of LBM
    0.35g fat per lb of bodyweight

    There is no point adjusting his lunchbox independent of his stated goals despite that being his original question - what would that achieve? *double facepalm*
    jddnw wrote: »
    All this guy is looking for are some ideas for his lunch box, and instead everybody is jumping all over him about his workout routine. Facepalm.

    If I made my own lunch I'd offer suggestions, but I don't. Sorry.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I feel kinda bad I didn't answer the actual question

    here, does this help?

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    jddnw wrote: »
    All this guy is looking for are some ideas for his lunch box, and instead everybody is jumping all over him about his workout routine. Facepalm.

    If I made my own lunch I'd offer suggestions, but I don't. Sorry.

    Did you even read his comments and post?

    He's doing x, y and z and looking for 2 specific goals that require two specific things... neither of which he is doing.

    But instead of helping- you just came in and condescendingly disapproved of people actually offering advice that can realistically help him achieve his goals.

    Him knowing I eat left overs every day won't help him get the body he wants.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    I'd eat more pizza. Higher calories count if you're trying to put on muscle. You aren't getting enough in to do it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • micheledemetroff
    micheledemetroff Posts: 21 Member
    hard boiled eggs, cans of tuna, meatballs (extra lean ground beef), turkey balls (lean ground turkey), shrimp, natural nut butters and seeds (i think you can afford to have some good fats), avocado, pork tenderloin, chicken breast, full roasted chicken.
    There is some variety!
    Also lifting heavy and eating 2500-3000 calories depending on specific training splits.