Over 40 and trying to loose 40

this is quite a challenge. Who is over 40 and for the first time in life needs to loose weight? Don't want to be high school weight (like I could) but feel about 40 lbs ago was a good weight.


  • firedevil35
    firedevil35 Posts: 40 Member
    Came here with those exact goals! Now I'm shooting for another 20 :)
  • kbuott
    kbuott Posts: 4
    Exact same goal , just turned 41 want to lose at least 40 lbs . Had 60 gone last year doing weight watchers , then quit thinking I could do it on my own and gained back 40lbs . Going to start walking again everyday and giving my fitness pal a try !
  • shelliesv
    shelliesv Posts: 15 Member
    Me! And it is proving to be MUCH harder than it was in my 20s!
  • jenRN3
    jenRN3 Posts: 3 Member
    Yep, I'm in the same boat. 43 yrs old and wanting to lose 40-45. It's very difficult now.
  • Btbeam
    Btbeam Posts: 252 Member
    I am 46 with more than 40 to lose but anyone can feel free to add me. I have lost 146 with 104 to go. Good Luck to all!
  • shario007
    shario007 Posts: 1 Member
    I had a baby at 37....turned 40 last August and also quit smoking. I've gained so much weight :'( now I want to get healthy so I have energy to chase my 3 year old :) hoping my fitness pal and fitbit will help me reach my goal
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    It is what it is, dont let becoming a little older become a crutch or excuse for not losing. It is slightly harder becayse people have less muscle mass and move less. Its up to people to grapple with the issue and do seomthing about it by eating less and moving more. This is my first ever diet and losing weight has been straightforward if you learn, commit, sustain, focus and put in the work. You can all do it.
  • awaregrrl
    awaregrrl Posts: 1 Member
    I understand your uphill battle. I just finished my weight loss of 104.5 lbs at age 46. I'm happy to cheer you on. :)
  • mrsmoreland2015
    mrsmoreland2015 Posts: 4 Member
    I know I can do it. Was simply stating the facts
  • mrsmoreland2015
    mrsmoreland2015 Posts: 4 Member
    It's all about support shario, and you've got mine! :)

  • mrsmoreland2015
    mrsmoreland2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everybody. Let's all do it together!

  • Denisedemicco
    Denisedemicco Posts: 1 Member
    Great job!!
    awaregrrl wrote: »
    I understand your uphill battle. I just finished my weight loss of 104.5 lbs at age 46. I'm happy to cheer you on. :)
    Thanks everybody. Let's all do it together!

  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    awaregrrl wrote: »
    I understand your uphill battle. I just finished my weight loss of 104.5 lbs at age 46. I'm happy to cheer you on. :)

    I wanna see before after pictures. I'm always amazed.
  • krisfrisone
    krisfrisone Posts: 2 Member
    Me too. First time I have ever had to lose weight in my life and it's very overwhelming. I'm 45 with about 65 lbs to lose. Hope we can motivate each other!
  • krisfrisone
    krisfrisone Posts: 2 Member
    awaregrrl wrote: »
    I understand your uphill battle. I just finished my weight loss of 104.5 lbs at age 46. I'm happy to cheer you on. :)

    Wow! Congrats! Can you share how you did it? I'm most confused about what to eat. :blush:
  • GrnEyes839
    GrnEyes839 Posts: 74 Member
    It's not the first time in my life, but over 40 and having one hell of a time doing it!
  • GrnEyes839
    GrnEyes839 Posts: 74 Member
    Came here with those exact goals! Now I'm shooting for another 20 :)
    Good job :)
  • maryeclouston
    maryeclouston Posts: 1 Member
    I am 51 years old and have 30 to 35 pounds to lose. I am on day three of the journaling. So far it has not been too bad. I hope to lose weight along with you with the support of everyone on this site.
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    Yep, that pretty much describes me and my goal! Feel free to add me :smile:
  • ShadowDragon70
    ShadowDragon70 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 45 and although this is not my first time trying to lose weight, I'm trying really hard to make it my last. I have about 50 lbs to go until I'm where I'm comfortable. Will still be about 10 lbs over "ideal" but I'll reevaluate when I get there.

    I'm doing a combination of calorie count through this site, and then a variation of the old "steak and egg" diet. I'm actually doing low to no carb 6 days a week ( gasp! yes, I know that's not ideal )... but on Saturday, that's my "reset" day.. I refuse to call it a cheat day. I don't worry about calories as much and I eat whatever I want.. I load up on carbs and then continue on from there.

    So far it's worked for about 13 pounds in 3 weeks. But have noticed a huge difference in size.. so will go with it until I stall, and then figure out something else

    Good luck all !