Hi my name is Melanie

Hey, my name is Melanie I live in Ontario. I have 3 kids and a step son. and I'm happily engaged :)
Enough about my personal life I'm here to lose weight. So before people start freakish out on me I know I'm not huge but my last child I had a year ago and I can't seem to get rid of the baby weight and love handles and I also have a love for Pepsi to the point where I get headaches and dizzy almost like withdrawals if I don't have it and it's kind of scary so I know that's part of my problem so in starting with one glass a day for the time being and that starts today. I'm a very picky eater I hate to admit it so most of these healthy food to me looks absolutely horrible. I dislike fish I like fruits and vegetables pretty much all veggies and the majority of fruits but you will not get me to touch a grapefruit or cherries. If anyone has ideas on things I can eat without changing my eating habits completely that would be great which I doubt is possible but I don't want to feel like I'm starving all the time. My rant is over


  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    You can eat chicken, steak, pork, and veggies and whatever fruits you like. Just weigh it and log it. Pretty simple.
  • lisamyershb
    lisamyershb Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Melanie! I'm a picky eater too. I search online for recipes of items I like to eat. Pintrest is great! I agree, with Muddy, Yogi....protein is great! I do alot of smoothies because I really dont care for eating in the a.m. and use silk tofu or non-fat greek yogurt as the base. Chia seeds are good to fill you up. I mix them into everything.
  • cheekydeeky
    cheekydeeky Posts: 146 Member
    Hi Melanie! My name is Melanie too! :) I agree Pinterest is great for finding healthy stuff to keep variety going. It also can be bad as there is lots of junk on there. I have some healthy boards. Add me if you like here or there. My name on there is No No. Welcome and good luck!!
  • melanieinsanity22
    melanieinsanity22 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you :) I don't eat in the mornings I usually just drink a glass of milk or juice smoothies are good idea :) I've never liked water either lol Ya I know weird but I'm starting to drink it today. I make rice/potatoes every night with booked or fried veggies I don't put anything on any of them and I make up chicken and pork or even a roast. With 3 kids myself and my fiancé it's hard to find meals we all will eat so looking for other ideas for dinner so we arnt eating the same things all the time I'm going to try Pinterest :)