trying to succeed,, needing help and willpower!

33yrs old mother of 3,, growing heavier wk by wk and its out of hand,, i am in the gastric bypass process( no judging please) ...and trying to make some lifestyle changes and better choices to my diet.. ive been honestly lousy at it,, and find my self stuffing my face with bad food choices all the time, pretty sure its like a food addiction....but i do have awareness and i always start over when i fail, like today back to good choices lots of water consumption got a walking buddy now and i have access to work out equiptment too.,..i have a bariatric appointment tomorrow and im sure ive gained which they dont want to gonna go in with my head high anyways cause whats done is done and cant change the past choices but i can change today,, anyone done the military diet for 3 days to boost metabolism and loose weight... i can tell by it i would be utterly starving on it,, and in agony but if i can do this,, i can do my shakes i need to drink right before surgery which will be hard as well ,, thanks for reading


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Girl, you can do this but it sounds like you need to get a hold on WHY you're eating the way you do and get on a specific path to your goal. Shoot me a message and we'll chat, I have some questions for you that may help you get clear! :)
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Hey, I'll give you a silly tip that worked for me. My trainer gave me a cheap bright orange silicone ring and told me to wear it on my dominant hand. He said that it was to remind me to make better food choices. Dang if that little ring didn't work. I'm barely 3mo in and I don't need it anymore, I only needed it about a month. Good luck!
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    OK, mama. Take a deep breath. You can totally do this. Do not try any of those silly fad diets like the Military Diet. You will be starving, drop some water weight and then binge when it's over, and gain it right back. It does not boost your metabolism. (do they really claim that?)
    Commit yourself to logging everything you eat, honestly and accurately, and stick to the calorie goal that MFP gives you. If you DO wind up going over your calorie goal, log it too. If you have it set for 2 lbs a week and you feel too hungry on it, drop it down to 1 lb or even .5 lb a week. Any loss is a good thing.

    I don't know much about bariatric surgery, so I can't advise you there, but if there is an emotional need for your overeating, the physical restriction that surgery will provide may not be enough to overcome that. Do they offer counseling and classes as part of the program?

    Losing weigh should not be agony, it's got to be something you can maintain over time, because that's how weight is lost. Slowly, over time.
  • chickabelle
    chickabelle Posts: 20 Member
    The first thing to do is set up an appointment with a counselor/therapist. There is always an underlining issue to why we eat so much. Food makes you feel good when your eating it but afterwards you feel miserable. You need to have the mental willpower before you get this surgery, otherwise people usually gain the weight back. Your making the changes need to have a healthy life. Wish you all the best :)
  • anniegirl001
    anniegirl001 Posts: 4 Member
    I gained over 100 lbs in about 12 years. I was exhausted all the time, not getting the right sleep, not exercising, working full time, raising our 3 small kids, and taking care of my disabled husband. I always put myself on the bottom of my priorities list. I'm not where I should be yet, but I am back on track.

    Quiz: If you are in a plane and the oxygen mask drops, do you put it on yourself or your baby first?
    Answer: Yourself. If you put it on your baby, you will die and your baby will not be able to keep it on, so your baby will die, too. If you put it on yourself first, you will live and you will then have the strength to put it on your baby to help your baby live.
    Moral of this: If you do not take care of yourself, you will not be able to take care of others who are dependent on you.

    I agree with chickabelle: make an appointment with a counselor/therapist to try to figure out the underlining issue. The first step to getting back on track is awareness, and, congratulations to you for taking that first step.

    I'm rooting for you!