Looking for some workout advice


I need to get fit and hopefully lose some pudge bit I'm not sure what to do.
I can't really afford the gym and I can't jog /run a lot due to dodgy knees.
I suffer from a bit of social anxiety so am worried about joining a club/class etc.

I also don't want to lose weight in certain places such as my chest and bum. I'm finally happy with my breasts so I don't want them to shrink and I'm lucky enough to have a nice firm round bum so I don't want to lose that either. Unless doing squats would help my bum?
I know you probably can't lose weight without losing it in the wrong places though!

Any advice would be great


  • jsobole
    jsobole Posts: 139 Member
    Losing weight is 80% diet, 20% exercise so start there and make sure you're eating right. There are a ton of great workout DVD's out there and sites online where you can work out at home. Make sure you're modifying exercises that involving jumping if you have iffy knees - don't let your feet leave the floor. And yes, squats and lunges = perky bum. Feel free to friend request me!
  • hypatiaswan
    hypatiaswan Posts: 9 Member
    You can't spot reduce your weight or lose fat in only certain areas. For instance, all the crunches in the world aren't what gives people 6 pack abs. You get 6 pack abs when you lose the layer of fat that covers the abs and you can't spot reduce fat in just your abdominal area. That is just impossible. You CAN tone and build muscle in certain areas by targeting your workouts. I suggest the book, "The new Rules of Lifting for Women." You can do most of the exercises at home but you'll need to invest in some things like some dumbells and bands. But mostly, the book is very good for whole body functional fitness. And it explains all about how to eat and how building muscle actually helps you burn fat. And it teaches readers how to develop a fitness program. You don't need to run to stay fit, but you will need to get some kind of activity or cardio in for best results. The book suggests some ways for you to do this (mostly HIIT, short and intense - you can cycle, row, run, elliptical, do burpees, swim, plyometrics etc. I mean there are just a ton of ways to do cardio...).