Living my Life!


I'm Shannon, I'm a food addict. In fact, I'm a recovering binge eater and laxative user (I AM getting help). My first binge was when I was about 8 years old during a argument my parents were having. And so started my new way of coping.

I was raised by two people who seemed like they had everything going for them on the outside, but they were actually not as they seemed. They decided to adopt me when I was 10. I was emotionally abused and so were the other kids that were adopted. They had a hold on me that I can't even explain to this day, I knew something was off and so I turned to food. When I was in high school, I started figuring out what was off and started trying to control my eating. Thus began 10 years of yo-yo dieting and only gaining weight.

I moved out when I was 20, but it wasn't far enough away, they still controlled me. So when I turned 21 I moved to Chicago to be with my high school boyfriend and then when we were 23 we moved to Los Angeles. When I was 24 I slowly started to work on my past and try and overcome my binge eating, it back fired and the abuse continued. I started taking laxatives to try and control the binges.

I got engaged to my wonderful high school sweetheart just before I turned 25! Again, I tried working on things with my adoptive parents and again it didn't work. I had to cut off all communication, it was tough. They stalked me and called me a liar, but I stood fast.

Now as my 26th birthday has just rolled past and my upcoming wedding approaches, I realized I still continue to let them control me even without them in my life physically. I'm constantly living my life on the sidelines. I'm not doing that anymore, I'm reaching out to get help (from a therapist (soon, hopefully)) and from anyone that I can.

I am following Whole30/Paleo diet at least 80% of the time. I feel SO much better when eating that way, it's amazing!

I am changing my eating habits so I can live!

I would love to find like minded people to friend :)


  • AllieLorah17
    AllieLorah17 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Shannon! I am a self proclaimed food addict as well, but Whole30 has helped me out immensely! I just started my second Whole30 and I created a group today. It's a place to share stories (victories AND struggles), ideas, and recipes. I'd love it if you joined! It's called Whole 30 Warriors!
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    I am constantly impressed with our young adults just getting out here and posting their stories and truth (with no shame, good for you) and then taking control of their health, lives and future. I am just so impressed...thanks for posting!