Greetings from Cali!

Hi Everyone! I created a MFP profile a couple of years ago, but never really got into the social/community aspect of this site because I felt dieting and weight-loss was a personal agenda/goal. I am now seeing that support is somewhat crucial and am looking to become more active in a social sense. Being that I loose momentum quite easily, I think having mfp friends with similar goals will help keep my motivation up! So, pleased to meet you all!


  • Teenafit130
    Teenafit130 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey there, keep going it does get easy and trust I understand what you mean about getting bored.
  • theladygigi
    theladygigi Posts: 14 Member
    That is the hardest part...motivation lol
  • Teenafit130
    Teenafit130 Posts: 8 Member
    What is your biggest challenge?
  • theladygigi
    theladygigi Posts: 14 Member
    Mainly finding time and energy to be active. I don't eat that bad anymore since I gave up any fast food and eating out everyday (started cooking at home more.) But with a full time work schedule and full time school schedule, I am pretty wiped out at the end of my day and have limited time during the day to actually devote to activities. I only really have spare time on my weekends...