
SlimEdgar Posts: 30 Member
I am new to Fibit. I going it going and it now syncs with my computer. Will Fitbit also track on Myfitnesspal? If so, how do you do that?


  • eseeton
    eseeton Posts: 80 Member
    Click on the APPS tab at the top. Then click on the GET APP button underneath the FitBit tracker and follow the instructions. You have to log in to your FitBit account through Myfitnesspal.

    Also, be sure to change your goals and set your activity level to sedentary and weight loss to 0.5 per week in the guided goals. Save changes. And then go back to change goals, choose custom goals and change your calories to your BMR, can be found through this basic calc: You will have to reset your macros doing it this way as well, easiest thing to do is carbs-35 protein-30 and fat-35. Save changes.

    You should be good to go now. It will adjust your calories throughout the day due to your activity level.
  • SlimEdgar
    SlimEdgar Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you for your help.
  • SlimEdgar
    SlimEdgar Posts: 30 Member
    I did all you said. Thank you again.
  • dwarfiegodsmack
    dwarfiegodsmack Posts: 317 Member
    hi Paul and welcome :)
  • SlimEdgar
    SlimEdgar Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you dwrfiegossmack and epawelek. I am doing well!