Struggling with starting

I have been using myfitnesspal for about two weeks but not as consistently as I should be. I have noticed from tracking my food that I tend to eat a lot when I am bored, and also when I am tired. I was wondering if just simply following the calories given if I will lose weight or if I have to try and follow the nutrition details. I want to be successful, but I am having a hard time with actually understanding how this works. HELP!


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    To start? Just worry about calories. If you're logging accurately and staying close to your MFP goal you'll lose weight. Don't worry about sugar, carbs, fat and protein for now. Once you get logging and staying under your calorie goal you can focus on those things including figuring out your TDEE, BMR, etc.

    You have to be sure you're as accurate as you can be, though. Log everything you eat and drink that has calories. Every single thing. Logging everything makes it easier to see where you can make simple changes that have a big impact. For greater accuracy with calorie counts, weigh anything that has servings in ounces or grams using a kitchen scale and measure liquids that can't be weighed. If you don't have a kitchen scale, invest in one and use it as much as you can. You'll not only be more accurate you'll learn the true size of a "proper" serving. A tablespoon (15 grams) of salad dressing is a lot less than you probably think it is.
  • courty23
    courty23 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much! This was very helpful (:
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    To start with I wouldnt even worry about calories. Id read up learn and plan. Consistent logging and weighing are going to be the foundations of any weight loss plan. You cna then ease yourself into things in a steady transition so its less of a shock. As long as you are accurately at a deficit, then over time you will lose. Am sure thats what Sue will have said.

    This is a starter thread with a lot of good information in.
  • Briael
    Briael Posts: 7 Member
    If you already know that boredom and tiredness are key triggers in over eating you need to think about how to counter those BEFORE you begin a new eating habit. Find ways to keep busy, pre-plan snacks that will fit into your daily macros (not just caloric count) that you don't feel guilty about eating, and think about how best to utilise those times to avoid snacking.

    Dieting is about planning and having your head in the right space, not just about what passes your lips. If you plan, you have a better chance of succeeding.

    Good luck on your weight loss journey. :)
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Yes, get yourself busy! You can still watch television - but walk in place or dance in front of it, and do dishes or clean your bathroom or anything during every commercial instead of eating. Just this one little change in my life jump started me. You can do it!
  • mrsdcsmithiv
    mrsdcsmithiv Posts: 16 Member
    My doctor told me to eat apples when I'm bored....and they really do make me feel full. I haven't lost weight yet just started this a few days ago.