I'm Just a Lazy Butt or is it something else



  • csantiago245
    csantiago245 Posts: 9 Member
    Girl same here!! I just keep looking at myself in the mirror and think about how summers coming n I don't want to look like this anymore lol. I was always tired n never had the energy to get off my *kitten* n do anything! Until 3 days ago I started taking garcinia and it really has given me a major boost of energy that lasts all day. So I've been taking advantage of the energy and i actually been getting on my treadmill everyday and use it for 30 minutes. Then a few hours later, I get on it for another 30 mins. Today I used the treadmill 3 times, 30 minutes each time. And I keep track of my steps with this app and according to it, I've walked over 10,000 steps today, which is 5 miles!!!!!!!! I feel good about that lol cuz just last week I couldn't even walk a mile without dragging my feet!! It's been making my body feel so much better and I've started eating smaller portions n more healthier!
    Just look at urself in the mirror and do something about it! I promise you'll feel much better throughout the day! I still got a lot to lose, but I'm glad I finally started :)

    kdvia wrote: »
    Maybe so... sounds logical ... Now to find that drive.... I know I am tired of being overweight and unhealthy , Thank you for your input Joejccva71

  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    Agreed on setting smaller goals. My first goal was to eat less and work out for 21 days straight, in the hopes that exercise and good habits would start to become a habit. Guess what, they did! After that my goal was eat right and work out 6 days/week for three months (barring injuries of course). I am two months into my goal, and the longer I go, the better I feel. My hard work is really starting to show, which makes it much easier to keep on. Now if I don't work out I feel out of sorts and lazy. I find myself gravitating to the exercise room for just a few minutes, which turns into an hour. It becomes your norm, which was what I wanted. I didn't want a diet, I wanted a healthier way to live for the rest of my life.

    The rewards don't hurt. I am now the same size I was before I had surgery last year, which was a BIG win for me. My goal now is to get back to the size I was before I became ill, which thankfully isn't a huge jump from where I am. If I reach that goal, then I'll set a new one (college weight maybe?).
  • llUndecidedll
    llUndecidedll Posts: 724 Member
    edited April 2015
    Find some things that you like about this journey... There's always at least one thing.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I just want to wear cute clothes again. I'm tired of looking like a homeless man with my oversized pants and shirts to cover up my fat. After losing 23 pounds (13 since joining MFP), I'm starting to shop in my closet and wearing clothes that were too small for me in 2010. People are starting to notice, and that spurs me on.
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    are you married? If so, my motivation is to get a smoking hot body to drive him crazy. If you're single, well, you know the rest! BTW, you are very pretty. Oh, and also fitting into my tight cute clothes is another thing that motivates me. That, and getting healthier for my little boy. Good luck, just don't give up, ever, till you reach your goal!
  • Carrix2
    Carrix2 Posts: 1 Member
    Motivation is so very important! One day, my husband and I were reminiscing about different things when our kids were little. And he said, "I remember that bathing suit. You were really cute in it!" At first, I was offended and hurt. Then I really thought about it - I did look good then! That was 80 pounds ago! And I wanted that back. He still says I'm sexy now, but I don't feel it. So, that's what I think about every time I choose what to eat, every day I don't want to exercise. I will be that good looking again!
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    Carrix2 wrote: »
    Motivation is so very important! One day, my husband and I were reminiscing about different things when our kids were little. And he said, "I remember that bathing suit. You were really cute in it!" At first, I was offended and hurt. Then I really thought about it - I did look good then! That was 80 pounds ago! And I wanted that back. He still says I'm sexy now, but I don't feel it. So, that's what I think about every time I choose what to eat, every day I don't want to exercise. I will be that good looking again!

    me, too! Me, too! I know my husband loves me, but hey, he's still a man, and the lust would be there again if I was smaller. I want him to want me if you know what I mean.
  • pauldolan17
    pauldolan17 Posts: 3 Member
    joejccva71 wrote: »
    You need something that drives you.
    joejccva71 wrote: »
    kdvia wrote: »
    Maybe so... sounds logical ... Now to find that drive.... I know I am tired of being overweight and unhealthy , Thank you for your input Joejccva71

    Once you get over that initial hump and you start to see yourself fitting into smaller clothes, that alone is a motivator to continue.

  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    You gotta dance your lazy butt off... :laugh:


    Seriously tho... find something that you like LOVE to do. For me, it's turning on the radio or Pandora and put some music that'll pump me up to do some exercise (which most likely I end up doing some Zumba). :smiley:
  • pauldolan17
    pauldolan17 Posts: 3 Member
    That is so true,,, getting past the first hump seems to be the make it or break it spot for me. When I do get past it I find a lot of road blocks because I wasn't really paying attention
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    You gotta dance your lazy butt off... :laugh:


    Seriously tho... find something that you like LOVE to do. For me, it's turning on the radio or Pandora and put some music that'll pump me up to do some exercise (which most likely I end up doing some Zumba). :smiley:

  • kdvia
    kdvia Posts: 18 Member
    Wow !!! It feels good that I'm not the only one who feels the way I do ! Love all the suggestions ! Ready to put your words into actions ! I've been inspired ! Ty !!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    As said above its just commiting and getting on with it.

    Its easier to kickstart if you break it down and transition into it with small managed steps.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    kandell wrote: »
    Think about why you want to lose weight. Get a dress or a pair of shorts that you'd like to fit into and hang them up in your room. Have a folder of bikini models in your phone. Something that can help you visualize your goal and remind you why you want to get there. Good luck :]

    I had to smile at this. I can just imagine my husband's reaction if he looked at my phone and saw a folder of bikini models in there.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I'm a lazy butt too.

    Me three!
    Seriously, OP, sometimes we just get burnt out on it. This is when I decide for a diet break. (Having a two weeker right now and it's fantastic). I have done this once before and it seems when I come back, it's with a vengeance.
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    if you're anything like me, I have held on to my tight clothes for years just knowing that one day I will fit back into them. They have went in and out of style at least 3 times. Not anymore Jack, I'm fitting into them babies again. Something clicked in my brain and it must have been an ON switch. I'm bringing sexy back, one pound at a time. Yeah baby!
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    When I look ahead an see how much I have to lose and how long it will take to do it and how much effort will have to be applied, it just is too daunting to want to think about. It's at those times, when I think that way, when I begin to fail. I'm tired when I leave work and don't really feel like going to the gym and out of the whole year that it will take to lose all this weight, will one missed workout really matter? I go home and skip the gym. I likely eat something off plan for dinner as well since I'm thinking that way.

    This is what I was thinking about as I read the OP. This is how my motivation fails me and I get in that rut.

    The way I snap out of it is to not look down the road. I have a calorie goal and an exercise goal. I only have to hit those marks today...for this one day. I can do a single day of this, right? Tomorrow I'll get up and only look at that one day. It's sort of like riding my bike up a steep hill. I don't look at the top so I don't see how friggin far I still have to go. I just concentrate on making the pedals go around.
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    that's it. Just take it one day at a time, just like every other issue in life.
  • kdvia
    kdvia Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you do much for your words of encouragement ! :)
  • SkinnyWannabeGal
    SkinnyWannabeGal Posts: 143 Member
    I have those days where I just feel like sitting around doing nothing. I have to constantly remind myself why I'm even on this super hard weight loss journey. There are days when the scale goes down a little and then back up again a couple days later and I beat myself up for it even though I know better (water weight, etc). Then there are times when I feel like I'm trapped in a life long plateau (so silly, I know). So there are a few things that keep me going, even on the toughest of days.

    1) I hang onto a lot of my smaller, sexy, before baby clothes in hopes that I will fit into all of them nicely again someday. That motivates me a little.

    2) I've also bought some super cute clothes recently that are about 2 sizes too small just so I am forced to lose weight to wear them. That helps to motivate me a little too.

    3) How others (that are dear to me) perceive me: My long time boyfriend is no longer interested in me because of the weight I put on after having our child, my own child calls me fat and my family all make snide remarks about how unattractive I am when I'm not skinny. This also helps to motivate me a little.

    4) But you know what motivates me the most? Seeing healthy, strong women who are nicely toned and thin, smiling, laughing, being comfortable in their own skin and just overall happy with themselves. I look at pictures of women like this all the time as a reminder of what I want to be like. This is what I strive for, to be 100% comfortable in my own skin, super healthy and happy. Regardless of what others think, I want to think of myself in the best way possible and have the healthy physique to match that healthy mindset. :smiley: