Any Jenny Craig people out there?

Hi. I am a 62 yr old widow. I gained a lot of weight caring for my husband (cancer) for his last two years. It has been 4 years now and I am still carrying that weight around. I am 5'4" and 225 pounds - I need to get down to around 160, which is still high but doable. I am on Jenny Craig because I have no interest in cooking for myself, and I like her food and people. Saying that, I have been doing Jenny Craig on and off for 25 years now, LOL. I gain the weight back as fast as I lose it, I have never been able to maintain. I've lost the same 80 pounds 4 times now. I live in Central California (Morro Bay) and would love to hear from any other locals. Two dogs to walk daily (little ones). That's about it. I just found out about MFP three days ago, so I am really new.


  • eulila
    eulila Posts: 27 Member
    I am so sorry about your husband. I recently weighed in at 220. I had just bought some new pants one size bigger. I decided then and there that I would do something and exchange those pants.I have been on Jenny Craig for a month now. I have lost 10 lbs by my scale. I will be 50 on my next birthday. (October) I want to lose 50 by the time I turn 50 or if it goes well be 150 when I turn 50.

    I have done Jenny before. I lost 20 last time. The price is a problem for me. I want to at least lose 30 with Jenny and then maybe try it on my own. Like you I can regain as quickly or more quickly than I lose it. I don't like to cook either. I really like my consultant. I told her in the initial meeting not to put me with an overly peppy consultant who had never had to lose much weight. Sadly, I have no tolerance for that. LOL

    I have tried several programs: WW, LA Weightloss, Jenny, and Slimfast. The slimfast program was done through a university study about dairy. I lost 20 lbs in 3 months. 20 is the most I have ever lost at one time. Something always derails me. I am hoping this is the big one. :)

    I am not local to you but would like to know how you are doing with Jenny.

  • Shaluzak
    Shaluzak Posts: 2 Member
    I am doing Jenny Craig for the convenience and balance of food, but I want to incorporate foods that I like (somewhat like WW) but stay in line with calories. I'm starting out with MFP and I'm hoping that between the two, I can have an enjoyable weight loss.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
  • BrownyPoints54
    BrownyPoints54 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi guys! Cheryl here. Was wondering if anyone can help me find the Jenny Craig food price list for this year? Their website is pretty useless unless you're a paid Jenny dieter. :/

    Thanks in advance!
  • MegJJ76
    MegJJ76 Posts: 9 Member
    I did okay while on Jenny Craig but preferred Weight Watchers food a little more. Diet communities and constant check-ins seemed to help. After getting married and having kids though, my thoughts were quickly diverted to my family’s needs and I gave up trying to lose. I found this site with the full Jenny Craig Food Prices for 2015, hopefully it helps you out! Let me know what you end up doing!
  • maraq
    maraq Posts: 38 Member
    What do you think caused you to gain the weight back each time? I'm sorry about your husband and I can completely understand how taking care of your husband while sick can contribute to weight gain - but I'm curious about the other times (you said you've lost 80 lbs four times). We usually gain weight back because we're going back to old habits so you may want to look at what was going on in your life / diet each time you gained the weight back in order to prevent it from happening again. I'm an emotional eater - after losing 90lbs, I gained 60 of them back . . . so for me to lose that weight again I've had to work on dealing with my emotions instead of using food (because I don't want to gain it back again!). Not saying that this is what is going on with you - but it might be worth exploring what was happening during your regains so you don't have to go through it again. Good luck!
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    edited April 2015
    maraq wrote: »
    What do you think caused you to gain the weight back each time? I'm sorry about your husband and I can completely understand how taking care of your husband while sick can contribute to weight gain - but I'm curious about the other times (you said you've lost 80 lbs four times). We usually gain weight back because we're going back to old habits so you may want to look at what was going on in your life / diet each time you gained the weight back in order to prevent it from happening again. I'm an emotional eater - after losing 90lbs, I gained 60 of them back . . . so for me to lose that weight again I've had to work on dealing with my emotions instead of using food (because I don't want to gain it back again!). Not saying that this is what is going on with you - but it might be worth exploring what was happening during your regains so you don't have to go through it again. Good luck!

    I gained weight while in a similar situation with a loved one. It happened because life was meaningless and so was my health. Now I’m getting back on track, using MFP and doing some strength training. OP, I sympathize :heart:

    It is true, however, that the only way to keep the weight off is get used to eating fewer calories. Being active helps, of course, but I find my diet makes the biggest difference. I can understand feeling apathetic about cooking and such, but I think you would benefit from getting accustomed to preparing your own food in a way that meets your weight loss (and later maintenance) goals. Otherwise, it’s easy to slip back into eating the same way the extra weight was added on. This is why what works for me is tracking my caloric intake on this website as well as I can, i.e. by using a scale to weigh my food and the recipe calorie calculator (under the food tab) as needed.

    Best of luck!
  • MegJJ76
    MegJJ76 Posts: 9 Member
    I think a combined effort of eating fewer calories and exercise is the only surefire way. All these diet consultation and extra weight loss techniques are well and dandy, but if you're eating big portions and and sitting at a desk all day, you're already in a bad predicament. It's teaching the methods of wight loss, the basics, that I really need for myself.