New and looking for friends for this journey

Hey everyone :) so I'm in my twenty and I'm a college student studying to become a teacher. I am 5'2 and over the last two years I started binge eating, and gained 40 pounds. I've decided it's time to put my health first. I would love for anyone reading this who is looking for a friend on their journey to add me:)


  • Prthdleah
    Prthdleah Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm in my 30s. I've been teaching preschool for nearly 10 years. I am debating about going back for my elementary credentials. I am on day 3 of getting back in to working out after a couple years of lazy. First major goal... 35 pounds. Short term goal... Regain the habit of working out and logging meals daily. Also hoping for at least 15 pounds by the start of June. Add me if you'd like! :)
  • ashannon2013
    ashannon2013 Posts: 8 Member
    I was a teacher assistant at a preschool for two year, I loved it :) I sent you An *kitten* request