no one ever regrets a workout, you regret not working out!

I'm trying to get down to at least 135 by july 25th. I weigh 162 as of yesterday. I jacked around the past month and lost nothing at all! So I'm here for these next few months, and get my butt into shape!!!


  • JYareh
    JYareh Posts: 8 Member
    Ready to workout?
  • musikdawl
    musikdawl Posts: 6 Member
    Yes! I'll be headed to the gym after I dropped my son off! Whats your plan??
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited April 2015
    You will be pushing it to lose that amount in that time because it becomes harder the less you have to lose. Good luck though.

    Oh and some workouts where ive pushed it too far an not taken sufficient rest havent been too smart.
  • tiffanybrooks530
    tiffanybrooks530 Posts: 140 Member
    edited April 2015
    musikdawl wrote: »
    I'm trying to get down to at least 135 by july 25th. I weigh 162 as of yesterday. I jacked around the past month and lost nothing at all! So I'm here for these next few months, and get my butt into shape!!!

    wow, you're ambitious! Im also 160 trying to get down to 150 in the next 4 weeks. You are right about no one ever regrets a workout, you only regret not working out. Nice mantra! good luck
  • musikdawl
    musikdawl Posts: 6 Member
    I bet you can do it!! Just keep your eye on the prize ;)