Week 4, lost a couple lbs, but Clothes are Still Tight!

So I have been in a calorie deficit now for 4 weeks. No cheating. I have tracked everything (food wise). I workout 5 days a week, cardio for 20 - 25 minutes. I lift 4 days a week (I lift pretty heavy). I SEE a difference in my body when I'm naked in the mirror, but WHY won't my clothes fit better? Just need some encouragement not to derail myself here.

Few more things: I am 5'9" and weigh 165 lbs. I lost only a couple pounds in the past month. I eat unprocessed foods, stay away from refined sugar for the most part, don't eat high sodium ANYTHING, and I drink a ton of water.

Happy Thursday everyone! ☺


  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    You weigh everything food wise, what about drinks? Coffee with creamers, fancy frapps, regular soda's, alcoholic beverages?

    It's frustrating when we don't lose as fast as we want, I know all about that. We just have to stick with it and be patient. I've had my slips, I think we all do, but just have to keep on, keepin' on.
    Good luck!
  • heyfathead
    heyfathead Posts: 6 Member
    Took me 30lbs to go down a pants size.
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    4 weeks is still pretty early, but it's great that you're already seeing a difference. Give it a few more weeks and you will love your results. :):)
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    You see a difference, you've lost some weight, but you're focusing on the one aspect that isn't going perfectly for you. Our clothes all fit differently. A baggy shirt might not feel different until you've lost 50 pounds. A tank top might not ride up so much if you've list 5 pounds, but might not actually be looser. I have certain shirts that I wear and I feel like I've lost weight even though I haven't, and others that make me feel like I've gained weight because they're just a bit too tight. Just be patient. The clothes will fit differently, but it's not an immediate thing.

    For many people it can take 10-15 pounds before they change sizes in clothes. For others it's closer to 20 just because of where you hold the weight. Focus on the good, not the one part of the journey that isn't going perfectly.
  • BuffaloGirl75
    BuffaloGirl75 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support. I love My Fitness Pal and all of you are definitely a major reason why!

    As far as drinks go, I don't drink coffee or soda or anything sugary. I literally only drink water with lemon in it. I don't drink alcohol anymore either (haven't had a beer in like 3 years!).

    I lost over 100 lbs in the past, and I had about 30 creep back up on me. I think this is one of the reasons I am getting so down on myself. Because the jeans I want to fit once fit me before!

    That's good to know though about taking 10 - 15 lbs to see a size change. For me, I carry 90% of my weight in my hips and booty. I can wear a size XS or S on top, but on the bottom is a complete different story! :)