Les Mils Body Pump


Any fellow bp-ers here?
I have been doing bp for quite some time.... and i have tried to increase my biceps weights to 3.75 each side but never seems complete the track .. seems to stuck at 2.50... would like to ask is there a thing called already hit the max weights?

Is there any ways to increase biceps strengths?

And does bp helps to build muscle mass?

Thanks you


  • alysme
    alysme Posts: 81 Member
    I love body pump.
    Is your class doing the current release? If so the bicep track is evil. I was doing the previous one with 5kg on each end... This one I've dropped to 3.75lg for the moment.
    Is there enough kit for you to have a couple of bars set up? Start with the heavier one and then make a tactical change half way - or whenever.

    I don't think it builds a vast amount of muscle mass, but its better than nothing and i think it's more important than you enjoy what you're doing and are consistent.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Biceps are a tiny muscle compared to, say, legs or back. The increase in weights will be a lot slower.....

    If you can use the two bar approach mentioned above and use the heavier weight as much as possible it will help

    BP isn't a great way to build muscle.... Try a lot heavier weight and a lot less reps for that :)
  • sk1982
    sk1982 Posts: 45 Member
    I find with bodypump, and particularly biceps that i cant get past 5kg each side...i have seen some men increase to 6 but very few. Sometimes though you just need to shut out your head and the pain and keep on going - our bodies are often stronger than our head gives us credit for!!
  • kayedence
    kayedence Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you all for the comments.. :)
  • suzaka
    suzaka Posts: 39 Member
    I've been taking BP regularly for three years and I love it. Based on my experiences, I've come to the following conclusions.

    1) Like others have said, biceps is a harder muscle to progress on because it's smaller compared to your legs or back muscles. When I first started, my bicep weight was 7.5 lbs on each side (3.4 kg) but after three years, I now do between 12.5 lbs (5.7 kg) to 17.5 lbs (7.95 kg) depending on the release. The current one (BP 93 I think?) I use the bar and have 15 lbs on each side. This is over three years though, so it just takes time and patience - you just need to make sure you challenge yourself by adding more weight. Once your body has adapted to a particular weight load, it's time to add more to shock your muscles and produce change.

    2) BP definitely has the potential to increase muscle mass (anyone who says it doesn't hasn't stuck with it long enough or challenged themselves by progressively adding more weight). I'm living proof of this, if you don't believe me, compare before and after pics. I went from 115 pounds to 155 pounds with only a slight increase in my BF percentage of maybe 1% (I'm now around 12%). I was really skinny before, so I'll gladly take a 30 lb increase if it means I only get a little fatter. However compared to lifting heavy weights with lower reps you may not notice the muscle mass gains as quickly. BP is also meant to provide definition and toning and you definitely won't get bodybuilder physiques from it.

    3) Lastly, I'd just like to mention, you'll feel and see results with persistence, but you also have to have the right diet. In the end, you need to do something that is fun and motivating for you. For me, using machines or heavy weights is not as fun as BP, so this is a great program for me to progressively get stronger and stay healthy and it's a very sustainable routine for me as I never get bored of each new release.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    edited April 2015
    kayedence wrote: »

    Any fellow bp-ers here?
    I have been doing bp for quite some time.... and i have tried to increase my biceps weights to 3.75 each side but never seems complete the track .. seems to stuck at 2.50... would like to ask is there a thing called already hit the max weights?

    Is there any ways to increase biceps strengths?

    And does bp helps to build muscle mass?

    Thanks you
    Body Pump is a muscle endurance workout. The workout doesn't work on the muscle fibers responsible for strength gain or muscle hypertrophy. Those fibers are fast twitch. Body Pump activates slow twitch muscles due to the amount of reps done per track.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    suzaka wrote: »
    BP is also meant to provide definition and toning and you definitely won't get bodybuilder physiques from it.
    Lifting weights is lifting weights. Resistance will make a difference as well as repetitions when it comes to which muscle fiber is being activated.
    But definition isn't based on your workout. It's based on calorie deficit. One could do all the reps in the world they want, but if calorie deficit isn't involved, there is not going to be any more definition from doing it. One could lift heavy be in calorie deficit and be defined.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • kayedence
    kayedence Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you all for e comments.. i dont really want a body builder physique (not to that extent) jus wanted to grow muscle to aid in burning of fats.. to stay lean.. thus would like to find out if bp can help to grow w tiniest amt of muscle mass lol

    But of course diet is impt too and im slowly cutting high calories food..

    Keep the comments coming in.. im quite new to workout still tho i hav been takin les mils prog fr some time alrd (:
  • suzaka
    suzaka Posts: 39 Member
    Biologically speaking, I don't think it's possible to gain muscle mass unless you are in a calorie surplus. People usually concentrate on either gaining muscle, or losing fat, but not both at the exact same moment (bulking phase or cutting phase). You can't build muscle at the exact same time you burn fat because one process is anabolic while the other is catabolic.

    But yes, I definitely know for a fact that BP can increase your muscle mass when paired with a diet that allows you to do so. Just continue to challenge yourself and the results will speak for themselves. Good luck to you :)