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Hi All,

I've been on MFP before, but I must admit I was not dedicated. This is my first post, and this time around, I'm taking things serious, and holding myself accountable. I'm looking to lose weight and tone up. If you have great healthy recipes please feel free to share. Good luck to you all.


  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    When I get some, I will share!! Just bought a new recipe book so once my hand has healed ( don't ask!!), I will be delving in,,,,,,
    Good luck with your re- start,,,,,,,,we all have them! But never forget, one re-start will finally be the lasting journey.......
  • Sambbkay
    Sambbkay Posts: 1 Member
    Do you have any deitary restrictions ?
  • alana890
    alana890 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for kind words. I look forward to any helpful recipes/ advice from the MFP community I wish you a speedy recovery with your hand.
  • mikegarrett209
    mikegarrett209 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, Alana & dufus

    My name is Michael and like Alana I feel the same way ready to take charge of my life and health....some healthy recipes would help dufus thank you to.
  • mikegarrett209
    mikegarrett209 Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2015
    Yes I do.... I take warfarin so to much green leafy foods are off limit....
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    But not completely, Mike???

    Btw. real positive energy coming off you both!! Ive not been here long either...but happy to share when I start to cook again,,,,,,,,my diary is open, Don't bother reading it at moment - it sucks! When It gets better, I will let you know.......!!
  • mikegarrett209
    mikegarrett209 Posts: 12 Member
    Ok thank you.... I will be on the look out for those recipes.
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    Give us a clue as to what you like/ don't like,,,,,,,,,, always helps! :p
  • alana890
    alana890 Posts: 7 Member
    I like pretty much everything minus fish. Vegetables are always great (except peas and eggplant) I try to eat mostly whole foods as much as possible. The good thing is farmers markets should be open soon, so I can explore. It snowed today, so the openings were pushed back :( what do you enjoy to eat Dufus12, and Mike?