Trying to lose 30+ lbs - need accountability friends!

Hey guys! I'm looking for some friends to keep me motivated to keep going at my goals! I'm looking to lose about 35 lbs, and I'm down about 7. I like to run, although I'm slow and bad at it haha, but please feel free to add me and yell at me when you don't see that I exercised for more than two days in a row!

I'm 20 y/o, and I'm suffering from college weight gain tacked onto an already overweight body. It's not so easy for me to lose weight, since genetics and young age are not on my side at all.

I just want to be happy in my body again and I want my damn high school jeans to fit me again!!


  • pandamaniiiac2011
    pandamaniiiac2011 Posts: 13 Member
    Sending you a friend request! :)
  • bikegor
    bikegor Posts: 2 Member
    20 yo here :smiley: i wanna lose 9 kgs (sorry i not american so pounds and lbs things confuse me). I m starting running again too and gonna sign up to a gym for the first time in my life. Sending you a friend request. Cheers!! Let's get hot and thin together :))
  • supermantat
    supermantat Posts: 4 Member
    Happy to help
  • lorilavon2
    lorilavon2 Posts: 1 Member
    I am not sure how to add you as a friend but I also would like an accountability partner.
  • littleblue2
    littleblue2 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm trying to lose 50lbs just to get to my 2nd pre-baby weight lol. Can't even imagine my high school weight. I was 110 then but I liked how i looked around 125 or so. Anywho enough about me. Go on and add me if you like!
  • Ynnua
    Ynnua Posts: 2 Member
    Sent request :)
  • cindileeb
    cindileeb Posts: 15 Member
    I need accountability friends! I never got to pre-baby weight on number one, and after #2 it got worse. I haven't been able to stay on the straight and narrow. I've been fluctuating between the same 10 lbs for like 3 years, and the peak of that 10 is 43 over what I want. I'm shooting for pre-baby #1 and pre "I quit smoking" weight! It can be done!! sending a friend request to all of you guys :)