Please help, motivation is needed! Looking for mfp friends

I've been dieting on and off for the last 5 years and I keep failing. I'm going on a holiday of a lifetime in July and I really need to shed the pounds. I'm looking for mfp friends so that we can guide each other and to keep each other motivated. Please add me x


  • bridges_lexi
    bridges_lexi Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. How are you? I have literally just joined, what sort of diet and exercise are you currently doing? I did slim fast in 2012 and dropped from size 18 to a size 8/10 within 9months, this included 4-5 days a week at the gym for 2-3 hours. Unfortunately i fell down the stairs and hurt my back so was unable to continue the gym. I gained a lot of weight again and never got the motivation back. Im currently size 12/14, 16 on my thighs/butt in jeans! I have been doing slimfast for 4 days and exercising for 2hours a day. I dont think slimfast as a long term weight loss method, i just need to lose weight to gain confidence to join the gym again, i suffer bad anxiety and lack of confidence. I have an almost 6yr old son too. Hopefully not too much info lol
  • kaynnate297
    kaynnate297 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, I'm OK thank you and you? I've been doing slimming world, but I'm going back to calorie counting because I feel if I track everything then I'll think twice before being naughty lol. Exercise wise I have a bad back (arthritis and bulging discs) I'm seeing a chiropractor that's really helping so atm I'm doing walking, horse riding and lifting light weights and then exercises that my chiropractor gives me. I have an underactive thyroid and metabolic syndrome so that makes it even harder to loose weight, then there's the emotional eating to contend with lol but I'm determined to loose my weight. Before I had my son in was a size 6-8 then when I had him I went up to a 16 and now I'm anything from a 14-18 my sons now 8 so its time I do this for me. Sorry for the life story lol
  • jlbrown1985
    jlbrown1985 Posts: 136 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I've been on MFP for a couple years off and on ( stopped during both my pregnancies). Currently I am at a 60 day logging streak!! MFP has been the only thing that I have ever stuck with and I think that is because it works so well if you log EVERYTHING you consume. MFP in itself holds me accountable and makes me think twice before I eat something I know I shouldn't. I try to make the best of my Calories and don't like to waste them on something that is going to leave me hungry. I have just recently started adding friends and that has made a world of difference. So add me I could always use more MFP friends!
  • asobel01
    asobel01 Posts: 7 Member
    Add me! I think the best way to accomplish anything is with community support! We can all do this! (together!)
  • jprice419
    jprice419 Posts: 2 Member
    Could not agree more. I have been losing my umph and could use some motivation too. Not new to mfp but new to using the community boards and adding people.
  • patylizdf
    patylizdf Posts: 6 Member
    Add me too guys! This is the only app/system that has actually worked for me! I did it about 2 years ago and Lost 40 pounds! I stopped using it because I went thru some hardships, but I'm back on it!
  • DeannaCoersCarter
    DeannaCoersCarter Posts: 62 Member
    You can add me if you would like. Also, go through my friends list. There are a lot of great motivating people on there.
  • wrigs130
    wrigs130 Posts: 10 Member
    Feel free to add me Day 1 for me I have been doing Weight Watchers tired of paying and switching to calorie counting Going to Disneyworld in the fall and want to be at goal
  • amarilistuya
    amarilistuya Posts: 3 Member
    Please add me too. I'm new to using mfp. I'm trying really hard to stick with this because I have let my self gain to much weight to the point where it is hard for me to walk. I have been doing this now 10 days and lost 6lbs. I need the motivation to do more steps on my Fitbit and keep this up to lose more than 100lb. All in good time!