Back on track-looking for support!

patylizdf Posts: 6 Member
edited April 2015 in Introduce Yourself
my name is Paty. I'm 25 years old. I've always been a "chunkster." The overweight one. In my family being chunky was considered healthy. If you were skinny, you needed to eat more. I started getting dark rings around my neck and dark circles on my knees and elbows. I didn't see anything wrong with that. My problem was that at age 11 I was wearing a size 15. I started working out at age 16. I weighed 205 pounds. I worked out & lost about 15 pounds. I was so happy. Then I stopped working out and gained again. That's how I was, on and off for about 5 years. In 2011 my grandfather passed away, and I started eating like crazy. I went up to 225 pounds!!! I never saw that I gained all that weight until I started really paying attention to my pictures. I had a double chin, love handles & muffin tops. In 2013 I started using myfitnesspal and I dropped about 40 pounds. I weighed 167 pounds, the lightest I've ever been. I maintained myself there, well at 173-179 for a year. Until I went thru some hardships again, and started consoling myself with food. I'm back on this wagon and need help! I'm at 202 now


  • cooneysh09
    cooneysh09 Posts: 4 Member
    You can do it :)
  • CrzyMan33
    CrzyMan33 Posts: 39 Member
    You will kill it! Just keep up the dedication and hard work! Add me if you would like id love watching you reach your goals!
  • Sri26
    Sri26 Posts: 8 Member
    edited April 2015
    we share almost same story completely lol... well these hardships in our lives really pulls us down to a level that we won't feel nothing, no satisfaction and no interest at all in anything. am glad that you are out of it and trying to focus on your body and health again... you have been on this journey twice... so you knew how to drive... just keep going... please don't let yourselves fall again... :)
  • heidio2
    heidio2 Posts: 110 Member
    You can do it. You've done it before. I feel like we have the same story.
  • Havasufalls
    Havasufalls Posts: 53 Member
    You got this . Awesome thing is you know how amazing how it feels when the weight is gone.. you can do it again :)
  • patylizdf
    patylizdf Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you guys!!!