It felt so good I almost cried!

AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
edited 12:23PM in Motivation and Support
First I will say THANK YOU to each and every one of my MFP family! You guys are all so amazing!! With out your support I would not still be here fighting the good fight, and I love you for it!

Secondly I want to point out a NSV thanks to 'monkeybuttsmommy' posting something so creative it really got my attention. Today I was walking around a store feeling ehhhh :cry: about my tiny loss this week, :grumble: I thought it would be more. As I walked in to the fitness area I stopped at the hand weights. I picked up 17 pounds and almost cried in the middle of Target!! :sad: I lost THAT much. *Looking at the 20lb weight and nodding to my self* YES I CAN! I have been smiling ever since! :bigsmile:

So for everyone that thinks their comments and posts are small and / or insignificant, think again! Something as simple as a menu idea, a new exercise, a little joke, a share smile, a hand up when down, a shove down when we are too up *giggle*, an understanding ear, some sage advice, or a virtual hug can mean the world to someone.

I have an awesome MFP family that I love so very much that I want to scream it from the roof tops! :heart: Don't worry I won't! I hear they don't have internet in the padded rooms at the hospital. :noway:


  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    honey - you've always got to look at the bigger picture at the times you feel down. They will come up and you will feel challenged, but as soon as you turn around and see the footsteps you have already taken all of a sudden the rest of the journey doesnt seem that far.

    xx Well done - love hearing about MFP friends realising what they have achieved so far and look forward to hearing about them succeeding in future goals xx

  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    Good for you! Realize that you are 20% of the way to your goal! That is amazing in and of itself. You are one of the people who have actually done something to get healthier! You can do it...glad you day at Target helped!

    Here's to those next 3 lbs coming off!
  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    What an awesome post! I feel exactly the same! Been here for just over a month, made a few good friends and it's bloody working!! AND I feel as enthusiastic as the day I started! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!
  • mghane
    mghane Posts: 109 Member
    Glad you could put things in perspective!! That's a great idea btw (picking up the weights)... makes you kind of think... how did I carry that around before?!!
  • nikkirosem
    nikkirosem Posts: 63 Member
    Before I started MFP I lost 36.4 pounds. The other day I picked up a 20 pound bag of ice at Sam's Club and holy moley...:happy: I thought "how could I have carried this around for that long?" You are right. Step back and look how far you have come and you will definitely be in for a shock. GOOD FOR YOU! keep up the great work!
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I feel so warm and fuzzy all of a sudden. Way to put things in perspective! Keep up the fight! I have learned a lot from mfp and my mfp buddies, and it was all FREE!
  • repochick
    repochick Posts: 40 Member
    OK I read this and went and did it because I gained 2 lbs since Monday. It works!! I went home and walked 3.39 miles in under a hour and I feel so motivated now. THANK YOU!! I also stole it and put it on chubby buddies. THANK YOU for motivating me to do better. :-)
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