New at This, lets give it a try

I started on Monday, and I already Lost 4.6 pounds... I'm at 290 right now, I would like to drop to 275 in about 5 weeks, its doable!!!... Its so hard when Co-Workers bring Pizza to share , or when all of them decide to eat Burgers at Smash Burgers or Five Guys.... The Dark Side of the Force is too Strong .... But I must Prevail !!!


  • APeacefulWarrior
    APeacefulWarrior Posts: 86 Member
    Nice loss! There's nothing wrong in having a slice of pizza, and a grilled chicken from Smashburger is less than 350 calories. I'm not a huge fan of Five Guys - the grease on everything is a little nauseating to me - but I'm sure they have some healthy-ish selections. I think the hardest part of losing weight is not dieting - dieting isn't reality and few people can maintain restrictive diets for long (she says from experience). I say go ahead and join them, just make healthy choices! Prevail, you will, for the force is strong with this one!
  • quootzie
    quootzie Posts: 1 Member
    I agree... no diet is the best diet! Using my fitness pal is just helping me make better choices... peanut butter eater eggs would have just killed any diet, but instead I choose just 1 (or 2) plus a longer Cardio workout.... (said the girl who's only 2 weeks into this thing. ...). But hey. .. I lost 2.5 lbs last week and I'm excited for my with in this Sat... let's do 2 more! Good for you for 4lbs!!! A few at a toime every week will really add up. At least I hope so. ... cause loading weight after 30 is harder than it was at 22! But I still want a peanut butter easter eh every now and again!!