Why am I Not Losing Weight or Inches?

slp51 Posts: 201 Member
i have lost 23 lbs in the last year. I'm 5'4", 64 years old, and now weigh 122. I know, I know. Why am I whining, is what some may be thinking. LOL! But really, I'm at a loss. My goal is 115 lbs.

I am generally under my calorie intake every day, and generally am under on carbs, fat, sodium and sugar. I try to consume more than the allotted protein. I drink, on average, about a gallon of water a day. I exercise six days a week. I belong to a gym so I'm toning on machines and with free weights 3-4 times a week, and do some sort of cardio every day of those six days.

Yet, in over a month the scale hasn't budged, nor have I lost inches, especially around my waist and hips (my problem areas). I see definition in my arms and legs and love that, but there is still a reasonable amount of fat around my middle.

What am I doing wrong???


  • slp51
    slp51 Posts: 201 Member
    I should mention that I am careful to measure my food.
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    Stay the course. 5'4'' @ 122 lbs is pretty great already. The last few pounds and the last few inches are often times the hardest and longest to take care of.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    slp51 wrote: »
    I should mention that I am careful to measure my food.

    By measure, do you mean weighing solids?
  • potnoodle94
    potnoodle94 Posts: 2 Member
    I am the same height as you. I weighed 52kg (115lbs) when i was 15yrs old, i was stick thin, with curvy thighs, but slim body. This is as a child with a fast motabalism and playing sport all day every day and walking everywhere as cant drive. So for you to get to 115lbs will be really difficult. Especially because you say you are toning in the gym, but muscle weighs more than fat, so you could be loosing far buy gaining muscle, thus not changing the scales. You can try and loose muscle mass to loose weight, you will have to speak to a personal trainer about it. What do you normally eat?? Grilled Chicken and rice (small portions) is very good for weight loss.
    Im sorry you dont feel like you have achieved your goal yet, but im sure you will find a way, its just going to be very hard!
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    I'm also 5'4, and I've previously gone from 122lbs to 115lbs (I've since gained some of it back when I stopped calorie counting, so I'm trying to lose it again now!). It took 16 weeks in total, with a lot of fluctuating. So firstly, it will take a long time at this weight, if you're doing everything right all I can suggest is to keep going! Secondly, how often do you weigh yourself? Daily, weekly, monthly? If you're weighing weekly or monthly it's possible your progress is getting covered by fluctuations. I weighed daily and logged it, and this is my graph of that time:


    As you can see, there are points where you could look from one week to the next or one month to the next and I'm the same weight, or even a higher weight than I was the week or month before. But the overall trend for that time is a loss of about half a pound a week, which is what one should be aiming for at that height and weight. And there are periods where I just hovered around or much above the same number for ages. So what I'm saying is if you're weighing weekly or monthly you could be getting losses that you don't know about, and even if you are weighing everyday, there will be times where you appear to be at a stall, but when you look at the larger picture, actually your weight loss will be as expected. So for now just keep going (for that time I didn't change my diet or exercise at all, other than between days 64 and 82 when I went on holiday and ate whatever I wanted :P), and you'll probably be fine! Good luck!